#9 Her

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okay, listen. pleaaaaase don't be mad ik it's been like a year since i started this thing but for the love of god i just can't seem to finish it. 

really sorry for the wait, but here are the last 2 chapters. enjoy!!!


A half-hour passed while you were sitting at the table, chatting with your friends from Liyue. At one point Xiangling returned and took a seat between you and Xinyan. She told you about a strange man who came asking if he could have grape juice instead of wine earlier. The girl asked if you knew him, to which you replied: "No clue".

Even more time passed and you noticed some of the guests getting fidgety. Most people had finished their meals by now, but Lady Ningguang was nowhere to be seen. That is until you heard a sweet and very familiar voice speak up from upstairs. 

"Ladies, gentlemen and friends of Teyvat. I hope you have all feasted upon the wonderful food provided by Liyue's best chef - Xiangling," some people start applauding, others join in, and the chef herself stands and bows dramatically. When the applause has died down a bit, she continues: "Now, please, let me introduce myself."

You hear a few gasps from the back of the room and look up. There, descending the stairs, you see Ningguang. She's dressed in the same dark blue gown you saw her wear just an hour or two earlier, but this time it's accompanied by a gorgeous hairstyle that explains why she's arriving later than most had expected. Her platinum blonde hair was carefully tied up in a bun that resembled a blooming rose, with small braids leading up to it, almost looking like vines. A few loose strands had been let down as well, in order to nicely frame her face. 

You make eye contact as she keeps walking down the steps, slowly. She winks at you.

"My name is Ningguang. I am the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. I've spoken to many of you already, and wish to speak to the rest tonight. But before that, I propose we enjoy a performance by my personal favourite Opera performer, who also happens to be the director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe, Yun Jin. Please, welcome this young lady with warm applause."

As everyone starts clapping again, Ningguang has fully descended the stairs and starts moving towards a long table, sitting between Ganyu and Keqing.

Eventually, Yun Jin makes her way to the stage and, as the lights dim, starts her performance. You love Yun Jin's songs, but at the moment, there's only one person in the room you can focus on. 

Ningguang doesn't notice you looking her way at first, but after a few minutes, she seems to finally sense your presence and returns your hopeful gaze. Butterflies fill your stomach as her eyes wonder around yours and the corners of her lips curl up in a small smile. 

You try to give her some meaningful looks, hoping that, if you open your eyes wide enough, she'll be able to pick up "Please can we talk? Well, I really just want to kiss, but talking's fine too," but, to your disappointment, she doesn't seem to catch the message. Instead, Ningguang gives you a worried look, making you realize you probably look quite strange while twitching your head, pursing your lips and giving her looks with your eyes.

But still, it seems the two of you come to a silent understanding, because when she finally looks away, she whispers something in Ganyu's ear and silently leaves the table, heading to a room near the kitchen. 

You decide to count to thirty, so no one gets suspicious.





5... oh, fuck it.

You get up, not as silently, and take a series of quick steps to the door you last saw Ningguang enter.

The room is considerably brighter than the main hall, but it doesn't take too long for your eyes to adjust to the lighting. You glance around the room, looking for Ningguang, but, to your surprise...she's not here? 

You could've sworn she entered this room. You take a few steps forward, inspecting more of the room. It seemed to be a pantry, but not like one you've ever seen before. This pantry resembled a whole market. Rows and rows of vegetables, fruits, spices, grains and even pre-cooked meals laid out among the walls. 

As you move further in the chamber you hear a sound behind you.


The door suddenly shuts behind you, making a surprisingly loud noise. You glance back and see a smiling Ningguang, with one hand on the handle, seemingly amused by your shocked expression.

"Sorry, darling. Did I scare you?" She tilts her head forward and moves, closing the distance between the two of you by a few inches.

"I'm frightened beyond comprehension. Not sure I'll ever recover," You return the smile, that still sits on her lips. It's not like one of those fabricated smiles she has, though. The ones she gives while making speeches or trying to catch good deals. This could only be described as a true, life-like smile. This smile made her cheeks turn pink and her eyes squint. 

"I see. Well, nothing to be done now, I guess," her gaze travels from your eyes, to your lips and back to your eyes. 

You suddenly feel a strange fluttering in your stomach. A similar feeling to when you deploy a wind glider, reach the peak of a high mountain or learn a new element. A feeling of enthusiasm, eustress.

The woman in front of you, who's never looked so beautiful in your eyes, takes one last step towards you and now stands before you, only a foot separating your bodies.

"I apologize for leaving you hanging like that earlier. I didn't mean anything bad by it," her voice is so quiet it almost sounds like a whisper. 

"I didn't think you did. It's fine, don't worry," you smile, feeling your cheeks warm up as she lifts her arm and runs her fingers across your face, pushing some of your hair strands behind your ears.

"Okay," this time it really was a whisper. A slow, breathy one. It made the hairs on your neck stand up, in a good way. Ningguang's fingers moved away from your face and down to your hand, wrapping around it.

Everything after that happens so fast that you can't quite catch it. Before you get a chance do draw a breath, Ningguang's lips are on yours. Her free hand is on the back of your neck, fingers digging into your hair. Unsure what to do with your own spare arm, you wrap it around her waist.

A couple of seconds pass... a couple more. Just a bit more... a few... okay, this is too long. You pull away lightly and breathe in, now noticing the heat that's gathered in your cheeks. 

You manage to untangle your hands and wipe some of the smudged lipstick in the corners of her mouth. A small smirk appears on her lips and rests on her face for a while.

"Let's go when we hear applause so we don't interrupt Yun Jin," she takes a few steps towards the door and leans against it. 


After the two of you made your way to your seats unnoticed, Yun Jin performs a few more songs. Some of the guests give speeches, talking about their homes and thanking the Qixing for the invite. After the formalities, a band steps up on the stage and starts playing music. The guests all get up, and start dancing and mingling. Once the music gets slower, some of the guests split up into pairs. You look around the room for Ningguang, but can't find her for the moment. So you dance with Paimon, who you soon learn doesn't know how to waltz.

The rest of the night passes by without many troubles. You talk with some old friends, introduce yourself to new people and spend your time well. And once you start getting tired, Ningguang steps on the stage, announcing the ball is over and guests may leave if they'd like.

After saying goodbye to everyone, you head up to the room provided to you by Keqing and fall asleep, before getting a chance to change your clothes.

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