pet peeve: pronoun confusion

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Heya peeps! I was searching through my written drafts and I found a cringe oneshot I wrote and I have discovered a new pet peeve!

Pronoun Confusion.

So, did you notice things like this in fics?

Wanting to pour his love more towards the fox as now they are alone in an alleyway, Doggy smiled, stroking his finger down his beautiful jawline, making Foxy's eyes widen in shock.

Then, quick as thunder, he kissed him deeply, as he slipped his arms around his waist, kissing back, knowing how much he loves him.

Ah pronouns....

I'm sure y'all be like: Who's finger? Who's jawline? Who's kissing who? Who's waist is getting arms getting slipped? Who's slipping their arms? Who knows how much who loves him?

If you understand, I envy you.

This mostly applies to ship shots (ship oneshots) and ship fics in which the main couple contains people of the same gender.

Can't get my point? Ships like this:

Soldier x Torcher (if Sol is a girl in your AU, ignore this)
Doggy x Foxy
Zizzy x Willow
Penny x Sheepy
Clowny x Foxy
Poley x Robby
Rash x Doggy
Filip x Baren
Kitty x Bunny

As much as possible, use character descriptions instead of saying the pronoun again and again.

Like this (changes are underlined)

Wanting to pour his love more towards the fox as now they are alone in an alleyway, Doggy smiled, stroking his finger down the fox's beautiful jawline, making Foxy's eyes widen in shock.

Then, quick as thunder, Doggy kissed Foxy deeply, as the fox slipped his arms around the taller's (ignore this if Foxy is taller than Doggy in your AU) waist, kissing back, knowing how much Doggy loves him.

Ah better.

That's another Writing Tip from miss Bianca. Goodbye ho- peeps.

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