Chapter 5

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Myles POV
*doorbell rings*
"Ughh who is it?" I asked in a annoyed voice as I walked down the spiral stairs
"ITS SCARLETT!" The familiar voice yelled
I opened the door
"Why are you being so loud Scarlett?" I asked as I rubbed the temple of my forehead in circular motions
"Sorry" she giggled "I'm looking for Angelina , she accidentally put her phone Charger in my purse , she was so happy that I- wait... " she stuttered in confusion
"I thought you two were going out tonight?" She asked
"No what made you think that?" I asked in absolute confusion
"Today at lunch, she came home and you two are absolutely the perfect couple btw but I overheard her talking to you about going out tonight so I thought you guys were , that's why I was kind of surprised when you opened the door , plans got canceled Huh?" She poked me in amusement
"We... We haven't held a real conversation with each other in months" I answered her question in embarrassment
"That's not true , I could've sworn she bought birthday items yesterday" she told me in confidence
"No I'm serious , we only talk if it's about business and we barely do that, since she works in my family business " I stated
"Well... Im sorry I don't think this was my-"
Scarlett was interrupted by the screeching tires of a Honda Accord
We both turned around and Angelina had gotten out and the song she was humming was playing ,
I couldn't see who was in the car but it was the opposite gender , by then my stomach was doing cartwheels and my head was spinning in realization that
Angelina was cheating

.... A/N
Not as deep as you thought! I'm going to do much better with the writing more than I did in 'her name was lily' I'm still going to have a few issues because this is my second book but I will try , I haven't written in a long time

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