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Sadie's POV
I woke up falling on the floor rubbing my head looking up seeing Millie knocked out I looked over to my alarm clock seeing I only had 40 minutes to get ready. I got on the bed whining shaking Millie awake . She turned and looked up at me smiling and pulled me down in her arms putting my head on her chest patting my back we stayed like that for a couple minutes until I broke the silence

"Millie we have to get up" I said playing with her hair pouting

"okay" she said yawning. I got up off her and put on a white hoodie and sweatpants while she put on a big shirt and jeans I then walked over to wake Sophia up as Millie walked in the bathroom to brush her teeth .

"Soph"I said remembering what happened last night

"huh" she said looking at me tiredly

"I'm sorry but I still want us to be best friends because then the crew would be-be awkward and I wouldn't be able to share a room with my best friend and I-" I said super fast "

Sadie it's ok we're still best friends I'm the one that's sorry .

no I told you I don't love you I do love you your like my big sister"I said hugging her face

"okay okay Sadie I got it"she said trying to breathe

"sorry" I said bouncing away to the bathroom as she chuckled I went to Millie wrapping my arms around her waist while she brushed her teeth. She pointed to my tooth brush and then my mouth . I grabbed and started brushing too . They used to give me the opinion of kids toothpaste but not anymore because I would eat it and Sophia would try to use the empty tube to cut herself with it . We finished brushing our teeth and Sophia went in after to shower .
Me and Millie walked to the calm room to see my dad

"daddy"I yelled running to give him a big hug like a five year old

"good morning girls"he said hugging the both of us . We ate breakfast
Millie's POV
I ate breakfast with Sadie her dad then my phone started blowing up
Text messages   The bold is Millies mom
Where the hell are you
                                                                                                          At chosen's house
Millie Bobby brown are
seriously you're going sit here and lie to me
By the time I get back home you'd better
be there      
                                                                                           Mom I'm a grown ass woman you
                                                                                                   shouldn't  even care where I                                                                                            am
Yeah ok don't call me when you're
back in jail Millie
You think I don't know
you're hanging out with
her again                                                                                        
                                                                                                 Im not😡😡
Then send me a photo
Of yourself                  
                                                                                                I can't but I'm not with
                                                                                                       her anymore
Get home NOW
End of discussion

Mother fucker" I mumbled under my breath putting my phone down . Just as Sadie dad said he had to leave for the day leaving us in the calm room as Sadie pouted he had to leave while Winona stayed with us . I turned to Sadie and took her hands in mine
Sades I have to leave. I said

what why. she said heavily breathing tears already welled up in her eyes

don't worry I'll try to come back as soon as possible okay .

no . she said shaking her head trying to grab onto me .

"Sadie , Millie's not leaving you she's just going to go and come back ok"

"no"she screamed grabbing onto me tightly starting stomping her feet as I tried to get her grip off my shirt. "NO NO NO" she screamed off the top of her lungs

"Sadie-"Winona tried

"NO SHES GONNA LEAVE ME AND FORGET ABOUT ME LIKE MOMMY"she yelled like a 4 year old I tried not to adore her as screamed holding my smile back

"Sadie I'm not gonna leave you I love you too much . I said calmly reassuring

but I don't want you to leave . she started to cry trying to calm down loosening her grip a little bit

you don't trust me I said turning away acting offended pouting

"no I'm just scared"she whined hanging her head down low . I lifted her chin and kissed her
"I'm going to come back I promise ok" I smiled hugging her as she hugged back I left wanting to stay cursing my mom in my head as I heard Sadie still whining loudly upset . Then Sophia stopped me in hallway
Ok I have an idea of what I want to do next so I might post again today
This story takes place in 2013 meaning 2013 is there present so there both 20 years old in 2013 I hope this makes since Sorry if there are spelling errors I'm being lazy again don't judge me 😂😝🤪

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