Chapter 1: First Day

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Ms. Kadie's POV:

      I hear my alarm go off; a song I wrote called "Eating Animals is Wrong McDonalds."
      I reach for my glasses on my nightstand, then get up to change out of my vegan pajamas. I change into a shirt made out of leaves and some shorts made of bananas. This looks good for now.
     I look into the mirror, combing my short, gray hair out with my fingers and fluffing it. I fix my glasses and then I'm ready to leave. I hop in the car and turn on the radio, which was playing "Firework" by Katy Perry.
     I am an English teacher at an Elementary school called "Papillion-Bleu" in Canada. My job is to make sure that my students learn to the best of their abilities! I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world.
    What I would change though? I want humans to stop eating animals. Animals are our friends, not food! It breaks my heart. that animals have to suffer just to become a hamburger than someone will eat within only a few minutes.
    I arrive at the school, parking my car and walking to the classroom, waiting for my students to arrive next hour.
   I fall asleep, only to be waken up by the sound of knocking. I go to check who it was, and see a taller woman with long, elegant blondish grayish hair. She must be new!
    "Hello! Welcome to the Elementary school, I am Ms. Kadie. How are you doing today?" I greeted the woman.
    She smiled, as I did, before answering. "I'm pretty good, you?"
    "I'm doing amazing!"
     "I'm Mrs. Cheryl."

Two Elders, One Love (Vegan Teacher x Cheryl)Where stories live. Discover now