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~Cherry/Kaoru POV~

As I entered in through the door of Kojiro's house, I set my keys down on the small table before I called out to Joe.

"Kojiro? I'm home!" I called out.

I had just gotten back from a decently long work shift but the pay was good so I can't complain too much.

"I'm in the guest room!" I heard Kojiro call out. I shrugged a bit confused and walked upstairs to the guest room.

"Joe?" I question softly as I peaked in to the room.

"Hey" He says as he folds a blanket over the blown up air mattress that's on the floor by the bed.

"Kids coming over again?" I asked. Joe nodded. "Miya got left alone again with his parents going out on a business trip again and Reki and Langa just want to get away from their homes for a bit." Joe explained. I nodded along and helped him finish setting up the room.

At this point our guest bedroom at Joe's place and my place(yes they still have separate houses), have become rooms for Miya, Reki, and Langa.

It's nice having the kids over though. Plus if Miya's parents are going to be away for a long time we usually end up watching him and having him stay here with us.

After fixing everything together and making sure that the restaurant is all closed up, we go into the kitchen downstairs and Joe starts to make some dinner while I set the table.

Soon enough after I finish setting up the table we hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say as I walk towards the door.

I open the door to see none other than Miya with a duffel bag most likely packed with a few outfits and some game devices. "Hey Miya, you staying for long or just the night?" I ask softly.

"My parents are going to be gone for two months and then home for a week before going on another three month trip." He explains with a soft look. I nod my head and we walk inside.

"Kojiro Miya is here." I say as we enter the kitchen. Miya stays close to me as Joe waves. Miya waves back and then goes into the guest bedroom.

"How long is Miya staying?" Joe asked as he started to cut up some food. I sighed lightly.

"Around five months, his parents are gone two months then back for a week and then gone again for another three, Joe he can't keep living like this with them! They are gone so long and they just leave him to fend for himself! If he didn't have us who knows where he would be..." I say.

Kojiro looks at me with a soft and sad look. He puts a hand on my waist and pulls me in. "Let's just be glad that he does have us and that we enjoy spending time with him." He says softly before he gives me a soft peck on the lips.

After a bit we hear the soft putter of Miya's steps heading towards us. "Hey kid, excited to stay with us?" Joe asks. Miya rolls his eyes in a joking matter and nods his head.

A bit later we hear another knock at the door. "Stir the pot I'll get the door, try not to burn the food!" Kojiro calls as he gets the door. I grumble lightly. "I won't burn the food you dopey gorilla!" I yell back as Miya laughs.

I cross my arms in an angry manner as Miya walks to the stove and stirs what is in the pot. As Joe returns Reki and Langa follow behind.

"Welcome you two, you boys can put your stuff in the room and then get ready for some dinner, you should do the same Miya." I explain to the boys as they walk in. The three of them nod and make their separate ways to the bathroom and guest room.

I walked over to where Joe was standing in the kitchen.

I hugged his waist and kissed his neck lightly. "Come on now Kaoru we have to be patient the kids are here" Kojiro said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and back away.

"I wasn't implying anything you filthy minded gorilla" I said as I wacked the back of his head lightly.

I walked over to the kitchen sink and washed my hands, Joe following in pursuit. 

The kids had ventured back to the kitchen shortly after we had washed our hands and Joe had now started to serve up some plates. Once he was done he brought over all of our food and we all thanked him as we begun to eat. (They can be eating whatever you want them to have for dinner)

After cleaning up and putting our dishes in the sink we all headed over to the living room to watch some movies before going to bed. Miya had first pick as always and he chose to turn on The Lion King.

As we watched the movie Joe had wandered to the kitchen and returned with some snacks.

As we watched the various movies that where chosen we were all snacking on some chips and/or candy.

After a bit more movies everyone had slowly started to fall asleep. However Miya wanted to stay up late which did fail on him as after Reki and Langa went into the room. As the older two boys went into the room Miya had layed down against my chest and his eyes began to droop shut.

I smiled lightly at the sleeping child and kissed his head lightly. "Kojiro can you help me take Miya to the room?" I asked in a soft tone. Joe looked at us and laughed lightly as he nodded his head.

Kojiro stood up from the couch and walked over to pick up Miya. After Miya was picked up Joe took him to the guest room with me following shortly behind.

Joe placed Miya into the bed lightly and we both have a soft kiss to his forehead before tucking him in and heading into our own bedroom. When we where finally in our room we closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar, and got into some night clothes. Once we did that we have each other a kiss before laying down and going to sleep.

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