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My kind.

A human with magical abilities. I knew what I was.

I had grown up being told I was one of a kind, and I knew it was true. But the way Caspian said it- as if I were a rare species being hunted- made me grateful for my mother's protection. While she told my brother to always look out for wolves on the hunt for our sheep, I was always told to look out for watching eyes whenever I used my magic. I knew how to protect my secret like gold. Even our neighbours had no idea about me.

So how did their Majesties know about me?

"My kind?" I asked, stepping away from the water basin and towards the small dining room table. The chair scratched the floor loudly as I fell into it. Galen followed suit and sat across from me.

Caspian folded his arms across his chest. "A wizard."

"Wizard?" Galen mimicked Caspian and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

The standing man sighed deeply, looking around the room with a flat expression. "What do you think a human with magic is called? A magician? It's not a far leap to anoint her a wizard."

It was strange to think of myself as a wizard, although it made perfect sense. I had always just been me- a human, with magic. "What's your name, anyways," he added, looking down at me.

I stood. "Maeve Fairhorn. How did you find me?" No use in lying, he had already heard Galen call me Maeve. 

"I have many resources." Vague. "So you can be sure that I have it well within my power to command you to come with me. You've been summoned."

Galen hit the table and shook his head. "Our family isn't home, they'll be gone another week-" they had travelled hours away to visit my eldest brother and his newly born daughter- "and I can't keep up the farm alone. And I refuse to let you take Maeve away without some sort of formal documentation from the high Day Court itself. You can leave our home now." He stood, reaching the same height as the other man. Sparks fizzed on my fingertips.

"In case I did not make myself clear." Capsian's eyes darkened and he reached into his cloak. "You have been summoned."

From his cape he pulled both a sword and a letter, holding both in one hand and pointing towards the floor. I stood too, the chair falling backwards and hitting the ground with a thud. "You're threatening us?"

"No." He set the sword on the table, within his reach still. "I'm showing you the formal documentation."

Galen snatched it quickly and tore it open. It was a short document, one signed by the King and Queen of Court Summer, and appeared very official. "Do you expect me to allow my young sister to go with you, a lone strange man, and leave me to tend this family farm alone?"

Caspian raised his eyes to the ceiling and plastered a forced polite smile. "You are welcome to join your sister. And in the meantime, a small crew of men will care for your farm and animals. The crew will remain here to help your parents at their discretion and in addition to the crew, your parents will receive compensation." How long had the court been planning this?

He continued, as we stood there stunned. "If you give me the address where your parents are staying, I will send them a letter explaining everything. I'll give you both an hour to pack anything you may want to bring, but know that all clothes and necessities will be provided for you."

"And there's nothing we can to do avoid this?" Galen asked, pacing the room.

Caspian stared him down before slowly responding, "Not unless you'd like the royal army to come and force you out of your home. They're much less considerate than I am. And they won't provide compensation or a crew."

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