The Businessman

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Dominic was awoken by a bright white light. He didn't know whether he was dreaming or dead. The last thing he remembered was the ordeal down at the rickety residence at Askara, beaten up by teen gangsters. Adjusting his eyes to the light he realised he was inside a traditional Japanese house. The walls were made of white paper and the floors made of dark timber. Dominic was covered in a soft cotton quilt. He knew those were called a futon. He sat up and rubbed his eye and was immediately greeted with a tender sore. It was then he was brought back to earth and realized. "I just got myself beaten the crap out!" He stood up a felt a little cold. All his clothes were replaced. He wore a loose white shirt with an evenly loose, grey trousers.

No one was seen inside the house. He walked around to look for a bathroom. The house was surprisingly big. It had a large outdoor deck and a backyard filled with bonsai tree's, fountains and a large pink Sakura tree. It was so beautiful it almost felt like it came out of an obnoxious Japanese cartoon.

Eventually finding the bathroom he inspected his face in the mirror only to be shocked as to what he saw.

Dominic didn't even recognise himself. He had two massive black eyes, his top lip was still brutally swollen with stitches, and his nose. His nose was most definitely broken. The bridge of his nose had a line of stitches across and it was slightly bent out of shape.

Dominic was furious. He knew he had got beaten up, but not that bad. His whole face was ruined, he did however delicately opened his mouth to check if he had any missing teeth and to his relief, all of them where their untouched.

Dominic made his way into the dining area and felt a little hungry. He realised he didn't know how long he was out for. He didn't even know what day it was. The house didn't help either. It had a microwave, fridge and a bathroom but no clocks, no mess, no signs of anyone living here. It was sterile clean. Even the bathroom only had one toothbrush and that was still new in its packet with a fresh tub of tooth paste. He guessed it was left there for him much earlier when he remained knocked out.

He looked towards the fridge and saw a single yellow post-it, it simply wrote:


Dominic opened the grey stainless steel fridge and found a single bottle of a Japanese beverage and cling wrapped plate of rice, vegetables and mushrooms. He microwaved the contents, wolfed down the food and swished the beverage in one go. The food was ok but the drink was highly unusual for his tastes but it didn't matter as his thirst was a higher priority.

He finished eating but now he didn't know what to do. The house had no TV, no computer. Nothing. He then focused onto the kitchen benchtop and saw a set of keys. It was his car keys and right beside it sat the padlock key. Underneath the keys sat a piece of paper. The paper with the address written on it.

Dominic shook his head in disbelief. "Sure and get myself killed again."

It was at this moment he felt like going home. He had made an awful mistake coming here. He didn't even know why he was here, but yet he was also curious. Why did he come here? What made him come here? What on earth made him work forty hours a week for almost six months to save for a ticket to come here? I wasn't just curiosity. Otherwise it would be one horrible joke of 'Curiosity killed the cat and made him broke."

Dominic grabbed his keys and snatched the paper.

One last time will he let the curiosity kill him and he hoped it won't kill him.


The Nissan rolled to a halt as Dominic closed onto the residence where he was most 'welcomely' greeted. He found his bag inside the car and took it with him. Stood outside where the gangsters, they looked fine but he did notice something that they all had in common. All of their pinky fingers were bandaged. The gangsters all remembered his face as Dominic nervously approached them.

None of them spoke a word to him.

He opened the door which lead a flight of stairs to the second floor. He climbed to the top only to be greeted by a young Japanese woman dressed very ceremonially.

"Mr Pascal, it is lovely to see you sir." The lady spoke well English with only a tang of an oriental accent.

"Thanks, uh- I'm looking for- actually I'm honestly not sure who I'm looking for."

The lady simply smiled. "That's fine, please take a seat."

Dominic obeyed and sat what was offered. Three pillows.

The pillows had insufficient substance to protect his bony bum from the hard floor but he didn't have to wait for long when a figure approached him dressed in a neat black tuxedo.

It was the Businessman, who saved his life and gave him a car.

"Dominic." He spoke in perfect English. "It is wonderful to see you again, and very alive and well."

Dominic wasn't in the mood for formal pleasantries.

"Why am i here?"

The Businessman softened his face and politely gestured his arm out.

"Please, allow us to speak in private."

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