Chapter 1- The Chase

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Streak was fast. He was very fast. But, not fast enough. He didn't know what was happening. This car had been chasing him ever since he 'attempted' his escape of the taken over Hotwheels City.

He was making his way out of the valley the city was in. He didn't know where to turn next, and he didn't look back. A helicopter hovered above him, also chasing him. The car who was chasing him was named Captain Black, a very loyal, but evil companion of a much more evil boss. Streak heard the car yell to the copter. "Engage target and commence code red violation sequence two!", said Captain Black. The helicopter aimed a large and powerful machine gun mounted to the base of the chopper.

"Fire!", yelled Black. The turret suddenly burst to life sending orange fiery bullets down showering the ground next to Streak's side. He then took off, spitting dirt from behind his wheels, as a hail-fire of bullets rained down behind him. He stopped and drifted feet from one of the valley's cliffs. He was sweating car fluid and was out of breath. "Oh, no!", he said under his breath. "Brake-Fluid!", he cursed. For where he came from- a small garage in HW City- it was considered wrong to curse in such a manor, according to his parents.

Streak turned around as the chopper and Captain Black approached. "Just come with me and we won't use force!", Black commanded. "I don't know who you are or what you want but, leave me alone!", yelled Streak. "My name is Captain Black and the only thing you need to know is that no one leaves Hotwheels City!"

Both Captain Black and Streak knew Streak was very intelligent. So much so, that he actually modified his own axels and tires to give him the ability to "power-jump" as he called it.
Streak looked up at the sky and power-jumped right over Captain Black and the chopper slipping clean over one of its blades. Streak landed with a 'thud' on the ground and turned to face Black. "We will use force!", he warned. "Use force?!? You shot bullets at me!", said Streak with a confused look on his face. "Then we will use force AGAIN!", Black said and charged Streak.

Streak took off at full speed and headed up a trail out of the valley.
The helicopter followed and rose up meeting Streak at the top. He jumped up on the chopper's wing and smashed a wheel through the side window. The copter yelled in pain. Streak maneuvered his axels so his tire reached the controls- manually  working the self-independent chopper- and started pushing buttons and pulling levers. The helicopter turned, now facing the ground, and slammed into the ground at full force. The blades kicked up dirt and rocks as they slowed to a halt.

Streak had managed to hop off just as it crashed. He couldn't spot Captain Black. He was nowhere to be seen. Then, he felt two powerful lasers zap into his side. Black was now behind him with two laser blasters, built into his engine, powering down.

That was the last thing he remembered before he passed out. He awoke in the back of a moving truck. He heard voices but, they were to faint to comprehend. The truck hit a bump in the road and Streak flew up in the air and bashed his top on the truck's ceiling. He tried to hold in the pain and not cry out and alert the guards that he was awake. Now, more awake then ever, he barely lifted up the (accidentally) unlocked door and peered out. He could see the road shrinking in front of him as they moved.

"I'll go check the 'cargo'", it was Black's voice. Streak leaned over and pretended to be asleep. The door slid up as the truck pulled to a stop.
"It's all good", said Black as he closed the door. He must have notice Streak open one of his eyes because as soon as he shut it, he lifted it back up. Streak pretended to be asleep, again.
"That's what I thought", he said.

"Cargo is secure", he reported to the truck. After about another hour of driving they approached a tollbooth.
There was an older male car inside-
Streak heard his voice. It was loud and raspy. "Goin' outta the city?", the toll-car asked. There was no answer. "Mind if I check the cargo?", he spoke up.

"I always have to, it's part o' the job!", he continued. Streak heard the tollbooth door open. The toll-car's wheels began to roll when two loud laser blasts sounded. There was a yelp of pain and the truck began moving again. Black laughed evilly. Streak winced as he saw the car upside-down through the opening of the back door.

Minutes later there were five other trucks driving with Streak's. They soon came upon an base on the outermost part of HW City. Streak could here the other trucks' passengers being transported out of the trucks. He then heard Captain Black approach his truck. "Who left the dang door unlocked? Our cargo could have escaped! If he's not in there someone's gonna get a fender-full of laser!"

Streak knew this could be the perfect time to escape. Black was just about to open the door when another guard's voice was heard. "Uh, I think it was you who left the door open, Black."
Black released the door. "What was that, Turner?" Streak tried to block out the violence. After multiple hits to the car named Turner, Black said "I should have your gas ciphened and given to the Master! Bring him to the Arena and let him prove himself worthy of not getting ciphened. That is if he survives!"

The bruised car processed what Black said and became extremely scared.
"No! No! Please! No!" Streak filled with fear as the car was escorted to wherever the Arena was. "NOOOOOoooooo..." His voice faltered. Streak had to pull himself together to attempt his escape.
Black lifted up the door as Streak pounced over him, landing on the hard gravel.

His all-terrain wheels skidded for a moment and then caught friction. His speedometer hit 75 in 4.5 seconds. The next thing he knew he was being shot at by all the guards. Black staggered around and opened fire at Streak. Streak looked back as the other "cargoes" cheered him on.
Streak knew he couldn't just leave them there. So he did the most stupid thing possible.
Streak turned around.

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