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"We aren't what?" I asked tentatively to which she cackled and dropped into a plush chair by the large windows.

"I'm an.." Eying my confused and wary gaze she obviously changed what she was about to say. "Genius. Nevermind. So the guy who hasn't trained anyone, and I mean absolutely no one in decades, so never, wants to train a maid? A girl?"

"I know. I was going to say I was just as surprised as you are but I was way more shocked. I'm not worth the effort but whatever, he pays the bills." I sighed and flopped onto the cat dusted sheets of my warm bed.

She examined my room while I got up through the window to call the cats which little tsks which they responded quite well to and looked through a few of the drawers.

"He never rings you? How does anything ever get done around here when he put you in the Princess' suite?" She brought out a lacy tank top and looked through a stack of corsets.

"I usually am out and about wherever he is near, I thought I'd draw a bath before heading out though because I'd rather not clean up after my own sweat and dirt on top of the dust." I chuckled dryly and she nodded with understanding.

"I'm gonna dress you good. Girls support girls."

Throwing a careless hand her way I headed into the large washroom. "Please my liege, what is mine is yours."

Showering is blissful on aching everything. Legs, arms, back, feet. I stayed in a minute longer than I usually do, fog hitting my face peacefully after not so peacefully remembering I'd left my outfit in the hands of a pirate I had known for barely a few hours and I'd have to step out in a robe.

Slipping a linen robe on and drying my hair to put it in a simple updo I opened the door and almost shrank when Mihawk opened the bedroom door at the same time, a mischievous look painted on Samara's face.

Everything went in slow motion and then I shut the door again slowly.

"Excuse me." I had to forcefully stop myself from saying that in unison with my boss, and I hadn't gone from pale to downright tomato red so fast in my life.

I heard the big door shut and then Samara called out after a moment. "You can come out now miss prude."

You can be the bigger person Maera. She's a kid, well, she's younger than you are. I tried thinking happy thoughts but her audacity to be upset after she set me up like that was eroding my patience.

"I'm not upset, that's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Nooo, I'd not be jealous of that." She narrowed her eyes at me and smooth down the fabric of the dress she'd chosen for me, a scarlet, sweetheart neckline gown for something probably more dignified than cleaning.

"My darling, what is this?" I inquired and looked up at her face to see a rather cruel smile.

"It's a dress."

"For a banquet. It'll only get dirty if I wear it in this vast place, chose another."

"I like this one. I think I know someone else who'll like it as well." She chuckled and I tickled her sides lightly inspiring a howl of laughter at the slightest touch.

"It'll clash with my hair you evil wench." I tickled her again and she crept away from me trying to catch her breath before holding her hands up in defeat.

"No it will not especially since you put it up! Plus the embroidery is a sea green."

I picked up the gown and looked back at her, eyes slit.

"For your information, it's blue."

And so I ended up in the almost certainly unflattering dress, but I didn't mind because now I'd leave the dusting to when she and the others leave.

Tying my newly cleaned linen apron I headed to the kitchen, cleaned dishes, mopped and swept around most of the hallways stemming from the kitchen and dining areas before heading outside to dump a bucket of dirty water.

A clang sounded to my left and I looked up from my chore to find Samuel gaping at me.

"Holy! Where are you goin' dressed like that?" He inquired picking up a tool he'd dropped from his armload to come inspect me better.

"To dinner."

"Where? Northern Blue's Baratie?" He tsked and yanked on a strand of hair peaking out from my bun as I turned away hauling the now empty bucket.

"Here. Maybe with your folk if you're lucky." I walked to the broom closet to place the bucket inside and left him to follow me. "Aye, don't touch that."

"What's this dough for?"

"I said don't touch! Eugh disgusting." I slapped his hand and eyed his gloved hands suspiciously. "Dirty boy. Out, out."

In the moment of silence he'd left when I chased him away literally with a broom it dawned on me I'd been neglecting some things.

Why did he come to my quarters? Will my back ache this much after every training? My feet hurt. Wiping my brow I kneaded the dough out into a thin sheet to start making mushroom ravioli and started on the sauce, completely forgetting whether I had any prior engagements or thoughts.

Hearing a very quiet shuffle behind me I raised my voice over my shoulder with my back turned to the door.

"Whichever of you nitwits has wandered into the kitchen, please inquire of Mr. Mihawk of what his plans for dinner are." I added the last part politely as possible and hummed waiting for an answer to which a thought in the back of my mind nagged me but I ignored.

"If it pleases you madam, they have been invited to dinner indeed."

My head whipped around to meet Mihawk's gaze with a stunned positively dumb expression on my face.

"Forgive me for the intrusion and late notice. I will see you then." I pursed my lips at his words and smile as he left the room and almost knocked all the vegetables I'd been cutting to the ground.

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