Mistakes happen

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The team had been traveling for some time now and were planning on settling on a planet close by for a few days to get their strength back, since they hadn't seen the galra for a while, they decided to take the chance to rest up while they could.

" Pidge will you go tell the others to stop their training session and come up here? " Coran asked. The ginger man was currently busy checking over the castle systems, ready to land the castle with Allura's help. Pidge headed off to the training room only to find Shiro and Keith there, which to be honest didn't surprise her the slightest.

" Only you guys here...? " She asked, carefully approaching the two sparing paladins. As soon as they noticed she was there they abruptly stopped, both leaning over to catch their breath.

" Yeah only us here, Hunk went to make food, and Lance... He's probably asleep in his room or something. " Shiro said. He went over to grab a drink for the two, handing one to Keith as he came back. Keith slowly drank the water meanwhile Shiro drank all of it in one go.

" Whoa take it easy Shiro, we don't want you to die!! " Pidge worried, trying to grab the drink from the black paladin's hand. He of course just held it out of her reach and she quickly gave up.

" Anyways I just came to tell you that we are landing soon, so get ready. " Pidge explained. She glared at the two and left the training room, immediately hearing the two went back to sparing as soon as she left the room.

" Ugh, those two are impossible. " She thought, heading to the kitchen to tell Hunk the news aswell. After that she went to go find Lance, finding him asleep in his room just like Shiro predicted.

" What we're...landing?! " Lance mumbled, only half listening to the news Pidge was telling him. She soon gave up with the blue paladin and headed back to the bridge where Coran was moving back and forth between the hundreds of control panels the castle had.

" You need any help...? " She asked, leaning over one of the controls to see if she could understand the altean language spread across the panel.

" Pidge, would you be so kind and stay here while I go check on the central energy chamber in the basement? "Coran asked, and she agreed. As Coran left, Pidge continued looking over the panels with an interest in actually understanding some of it but she struggled greatly. 

Suddenly there popped up a warning sign, causing the castle's alarms to start blaring, and Pidge didn't know what it meant, or what to do.

" CORAN COME QUICKLY!! " She yelled over the comms to get the ginger mans attention. Moments later Coran ran through the doors to the bridge, approaching the control panels with a very worried expression.

" What's happening?! " Pidge asked, getting out of Coran's way as whatever was happening seemed serious.

" The balmeran crystal is out of life force, we need to land immediately! " Coran yelled. He called Allura to come quickly and as soon as she came to the bridge she started from the looks of it...heal the crystal? 

Not long after the rest of the team understood something serious had happened and also came to the bridge, all with the same confused expressions.

" Allura, you can thank the crystal after we've landed, right now I need your help steering the castle, or we'll crash! " Coran commanded. The princess stopped thanking the crystal and ran up to her post. 

After some intense shaking everyone found their places and Coran and Allura could finally set a course to the closest planet in their range to crash land on.

" Brace for impact, this might get really shaky! " Coran yelled, struggling to keep himself steady on his feet. The paladins all helped by running off to their lions, trying to steady the castle from outside.

Mistakes happen [Voltron]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon