Chapter 7: Delicate Beginning Rush

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Human emotions were a fickle thing. Transcending from one to another in mere moments. This leap from hopeful anticipation to jealousy was an experience previously undiscovered by Harry. Both emotions had held a slight novelty, having not felt them before, but now, he would rather not tussle with the uncertainty of either.

Hope had come first, bubbling the moment he had spoken with Gemma, and staying long past her departure. It had stuck as he flew back to Italy, bloomed once he reached his temporary residence in Milan, blossomed on the drive over to the fashion house - and effectively squashed in a matter of seconds.

Harry was humble enough to admit that the man standing next to Louis was gorgeous - and therein lied the problem. Had he been standing the slightest bit away from Louis, maybe Harry would not have to get acquainted with jealousy; or rather, had he not managed to capture Louis' attention so aptly, it would have been better.

Jealousy was an ugly thing. It brought along its sisters; insecurity and gloom. And who was he to harbour such feelings after hurting Louis'?

Louis had every right to smile and bask under another person's attention. Then why did it ache when Louis blushed as the man kissed his hand?

Harry averted his gaze, cursing as his courage faltered. He only knocked once he was certain his face won't betray the battling emotions within him.

Two pairs of eyes slid over to him. The glimmer in the clear blue ones disappearing within a moment.

"Mr. Styles, please, come in," Louis smiled, strained.

His previous hope was nowhere to be found - buried deep under the ground as neither of the other two people moved out of each other's space.


Louis' gaze flickered between the two men, and Harry took mercy on him, offering his hand in introduction. "Harry Styles."

"Sean O'Pry. Pleasure to meet you," the man said.

"Sean will be closing the show, we signed him on a few days ago," Louis said, smiling up at Sean. "We were lucky he was available."

"I'm more lucky, tesoro," Sean flashed a charming grin. "I'll see you later, hmm?"

Louis nodded, blushing when Sean placed another kiss to his hand.

Harry watched Sean with hard eyes as he left Louis' office, hating the innocent smile he wore effortlessly. But, in his absence, he finally took notice of how lovely Louis looked. It was a shame Louis wasn't a model himself, he would have easily excelled at it.

"I... wasn't informed of this change." Harry said, unsure of which change he meant. The one he had just witnessed, or the one relating to the line up. The familiarity with which Louis looked at Sean was enough to make his heart clench.

On the other hand, it did sting a little knowing he would not be closing the show. He had supposed he would opening as well as closing, though, the specifics hadn't been made clear yet.

"I think Alessandro will finalise the line up soon, but as far as I know, you will be opening, Sean is closing, and then you walk back out with Alessandro." Louis moved around the table, settling into his chair. It wasn't subtle how he distanced himself from Harry.

"Why not you?" He asked with a frown.


"Why am I not walking out with you? You're the one creating all these designs and outfits."

Louis stared at him silently before his mouth curled up, "As nice as that thought is, I'm not the face of Gucci. We do what sells. It's all about marketing."

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