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Nobody pov

Sonic and the others arrived at school everybody was look at them and whispering

"why are they looking at us" Silver asked mephiles

mephiles shurg is shoulders

They all separated to there class

Sonic pov

"I wander why they was staring at us I just hope is nothing bad" I thought to myself

Well I was doing that I ended up bumping into someone

"watch were you're going whore" someone said angrily

"the fuxk you just call me" I glared

"you think you're so cool because you're dating shadow" she replied angrily

"oh you're just one of those shadow fan girls that think they have I chance with him, sorry to break it to you he will never like you" I said walking away

I looked back at them and saw that there face was all red I didn't know if it was because of embarrassment or anger

But I couldn't help but laugh

silver pov

I arrived at my classroom and I still saw people looking at me maybe they're still bitter that me and mephiles are a thing

They all stopped staring at me after the teacher arrived

After sometime the teacher announce that we were doing an project with an partner

At first it was very difficult to find a partner because everybody hated me "hey would you like to be my partner" a guy asked "yes of course" I replied with a smile

Nobody pov

Class ended and silver was talking to the guy that asked to be partner after they finished talking

They went on there separate path silver went to find mephiles well the other guy went to talk to his friends

mephiles pov

I walked out of my class and I saw silver waiting for me

"hey mephiles" silver excitedly said

"His so cute I'm so lucky" I thought

"mephiles?" silver worriedly said

"sorry" I replied

I patted him and we went to find the others

Sonic pov

Class ended and I didn't want to stay longer in this hell hole of a class

I hurriedly walk out of the class and went to find shadow

I saw him in a group with his fan girls I remembered one of the girls that was in the group

She turned around and saw me when she did she glared at me of course I glared at her back

"oh, sonic" shadow said walking towards me

"where you looking for me" he asked

I lean close to him and kissed him of course he kiss me back, I felt his fan girls jealous glared it made me smile because now they know that he's mine

"let's go find the others" I said

Nobody's pov

They all met up at the cafeteria and grabbed

Some food after that they want to sit down

Silver pov

"oh, I want to tell you guys something" I said

The all look at me "I'm going to be going over to someone house to do a project" I continued

"YOU'RE GOING TO WHAT" mephiles yelled

"calm down mephiles" I said

"yea mephiles calm down" fleetway said

"oh shut up fleetway how would you feel if sourge was going to another guys house" mephiles replied

"don't put me in this" Sourge said

"mephiles I'm not going to his house for no reason" I sighed

school ended and I walked out of my class I noticed mephiles was waiting for me

"oh you're finished with class" he said

"yea I am" I replied

He walk me to the gates where I the guy waiting for me

"I better get going" I said

~we arrived~

"I'm going to change you can make you at home" I said

"ok" I replied

After sometime he came out of his room "we start studying" I said

We started studying but then he slowly got closer to me "sorry but I'm dating someone" I said pushing him away from me

"I know" he replied

Then he started pushing out his pheromones my hold body was heating up and my mind was turning blank

He started putting his hand in my shirt I tried to remove his hand but I was to wake

He push me down on the ground and went on top of me then his face slowly moved closer to mine

I kick him off then I grabbed my bag and ran out of the place before he could catch me

I went to mephiles house and I started nocking the door mephiles opened it and I fall right into his arms crying.

A/n: this is a pretty long chapters so I really hope you enjoy it

An sonadow, Fleetourge, and mephilver story(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now