New Beginning

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Once a green plain land now turned into wasteland covered in blood and dead bodies lying all around the now hellish scene. Almost a mountain of dead bodies towering up to each other.

When did the last time I respected the dead?

I asked myself,  no care, doesn’t matter as I stepped into a person whom I don’t know and what or how did this once live person died.
Does it even matter when they don’t even feel anymore? When they are nothing but just a lump of flesh rotting while rats, birds and pests ingesting them.

Hahaha… they are once a proud soldiers seeking fame and money now they are nothing but food for the weak to survive. Was it worth it? Do they wander somewhere after death?

If it is, I think it would be better if there’s no such thing as after life. Already lived most of my life in this hellish world endless fighting for people who afraid to take part of the war they started. No way I would wish to have another chance in life if it means repeating the same thing over again.

Before realizing it, it seems my own body stopped by itself now standing above a mountain like carcasses of some people I don’t know who is who.

Looking around, there is nothing but people.

Some tried to live mostly breathing their last one. ‘Really….just give up already.’ If I were them, I will put all my last breath and will wishing to die faster than die slowly smelling the foul smell of the after war.
Thud… a sound of something metallic fell near me. It was a sword, mine probably. It was broken in half, a piece of were missing. My armor meant to protect me now with holes and now out of shape but doesn’t that meant it served it's purpose.

‘ah.. I’m blacking out.’

I noticed my sight is getting blurry and darker.

I’m surprised it took this long still my body seems to be have some strength since I haven’t fell yet and were still standing. Weird, I’m sure I want to die. My body feels weak, eyes getting heavy, breathing slowly are more difficult than usual.

Closing my eyes hoping this would make it easier for me. I have this life flashing before e your eyes but different. It didn’t show me any of my happy memories rather it was a memory of the now deceased friends and allies.
They once

Closing my eyes , I remember a small talk of ours before the start of the battle.

Not a talk about survival , not about what were going to do when we make out of this battle alive. It was about this metempsychosis or rebirth something like that. A belief spread around. ‘Show your resolve, your dead will be your rebirth.’ They stated something like that.

Honestly, just kill me off already. I’m going to punch who ever spread this rumors or who even invented it.

Who would even want to live where war will happen again anyway. I feel bad for my soul who keeps experiencing the same thing.

So dead God if you ever exist. Please exclude me from your list and dispose of me. Then as if God proving it’s existence, even go as far as mocking or making fun of me.

I was reborn again….. barely making out of the scene in front of me. This blurry shapes of whatever probably a standing bipedal creatures called humans. Touch, smell, hearing…. Not good, as for sight? Not good either. I whined… disapproving of this new life, so I cried and cried.

No actually, it was my baby me normal reaction.

Not again…..

Wait again?

The End : TBATEWhere stories live. Discover now