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I was born on the ninth full moon of the year at 2:09 am.

That might not strike you as anything odd. I was born at an ungodly hour with five seconds between nine and ten. My mother suffered a long labor because I'm a stubborn person. I was named and met my at-the-time-four-year-old brother.

But, as you now know, something was off.

Nobody could put their finger on it. I looked normal. I sounded normal. I acted normal. But there was something in the back of their brains that said that I was weird.

I think they recognized it when I was seven, because I was left out to die.

I remember this vividly, because I was once wearing clothing fit for my status and then I was rolling in the mud. I remember hearing my best friend screaming and his older brother shouting over his cries. His mother trying to reason with his father who hadn't even made the decision. I remember passing out from the cold.

My name is Charlette. At least, it was. Now, everyone calls me Leta. It's how I go on the streets of Carchar. I lived in an old orphanage for boys because I had offered the woman who owned it, Mrs. Turbeldy, free help. That was four years ago. I was eleven years then.

Then two years later, I heard that my best friend had gone missing.

Oh, I never said who he was, did I?

Prince Jaron Artolius Eckbert III. I heard people talking... they only really missed his pranks. Not him, not his lively personality, not his wish to help his people.

I had kept my ring. I wore it on a chain around my neck that I tucked into my dress. It would never have fit me before I was sixteen, as it was sized to my mother. She had made sure it was clutched in my tiny hands before my father sent me tumbling into the mud.

Well, I suppose we'll never get what we want... because one day, my father showed up.


So the cast is the same as in Harlowe, but here's Leta's face claim:

So the cast is the same as in Harlowe, but here's Leta's face claim:

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Josefine Frida Pettersen as Leta

I also own nothing but Leta and her story. Everything else belongs to Jennifer A. Neilson.

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