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I called my friends and told them everything i witnessed, at the auction last night, of course they told me i needed to go to the police with this information. But i still needed evidence, and breaking past that firewall, getting those names of those bidders. That was the only thing i needed to blow this thing wide open. Plus i was already involved in so many of the crimes, the gangs were doing, if i turned in all the evidence now, i would be at fault too. 

"Taylor, you're not your father, don't let this go on for too long" Kiesha said, as i could hear the concern of her voice through her phone. "Do the right thing" Mira said, "i am guys, i'm shutting this thing down for good" i said. "Got a plan for how you're gonna break the firewall? to get those names?" Tasha asked. "Yes, and it involves a road trip" i said, as a smile crossed my face. 

I walked over to the hideout after school and found Trix and Beck playing guitar hero, as they waited for tips in the neighborhood on who to snatch next. Quinn was sitting near her desk, sucking on a lollipop as always, while Damon was sitting on the couch, behind Trix and Beck, playing with his pocket knife. I swallowed hard, before approaching the gang, "just a heads up, i'm going on a trip tomorrow and won't be back for a couple days or so. I know this is last minute, but it's really important me." i said, as Trix paused the game and Beck shoved him. 

"You're leaving tomorrow?" he asked, as i nodded, "well what about tonight? you free now?" Quinn asked, as she walked over to me. "Why?.." i asked, not really interested in knowing why. "We figured since it's been quiet lately, snatch wise, we could break into another house" Beck said. "Tonight?" i asked, as they nodded. "Why? got a problem with that?" Damon asked, as i turned to look at him. "No, it's just... shouldn't we lay low for awhile? you know.. after the auction?" i asked, as Trix shook his head. "Nah, this is the time where we need to keep our status up, we're winners Tay, we have to act like it" Trix said. And in some way that made sense to me. 

"What do you say? one last break in before you hit the road?" Beck asked, as they crowded around me. "Sure, why not?" i said, as they smiled. Once i was equipped with what i needed to break into the next house, i suited up and hopped in the van with the rest of the gang. We scurried off down the road, pulling up to the celebrity's house around the corner. "Don't wanna park in their driveway, obviously" Damon said, as he brought the van to a stop. We jumped out, and hurried down the sidewalk to the front door. Another security system i had to crack, as i did so very quickly this time. "Practice makes perfect" Trix said, looking over at Beck who rolled his eyes. "10 mins, like always before the police show up" i said, as they nodded. 

Quinn, Beck, and Trix, spread out throughout the house, stealing whatever they could get there hands on. Valuables, riches, and even small things. Shoving it in bags, and keeping quiet. I waited by the door, before hearing footsteps upstairs. But i knew everyone was downstairs, "did anyone hear that" i said into my ear piece, as there was static. "Taylor just wait, we still have five minutes" Beck said. "No, i'm not talking about sirens dipshit, i heard something upstairs" i said, as there was static again. "I'll check it out" Trix said, "just stay by the door" Quinn said to me. 

I sighed harshly, before watching Trix bring one finger to his lips to me, as he passed. He then tiptoed up the stairs briskly, turning the corner and disappearing in the darkness of mystery. "Do you see anything?" i asked, as there was silence. "Nothing, all the rooms are empty" he said, "are you sure? i heard footsteps" i said, as Beck laughed. "Maybe that was just our footsteps" he said, as i glared at him. Without thinking i rushed up the stairs, past Quinn and Beck, making it down a different hall. "What the hell are you doing?" Trix asked, as he saw me pass him. 

"I told you i heard something" i said, as i peered through the bedrooms down the other hall before noticing a bathroom door close. 

"Taylor we don't have time for this, the police will be here in three minutes, we have to go now" Damon said, as i turned off my ear piece. "Is someone there?" i asked, as i walked towards the bathroom slowly, raising my gun, and turning the door knob, i looked around the bathroom that was clean and empty. As i turned to see the shower curtain move, i whipped the curtain out of the way, as a girl was holding the top of a toilet plate in her hands, about to swing at me. I ducked, as the plate crashed against the ground. She then screamed, as i put down the gun, and grabbed her, placing a cloth on top of her mouth so she would stop screaming, as she fell limb in my arms. 

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