chapter 14

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Porschay 's pov
We hid behind a statue when we saw some bodyguards dragging Kim to the house. P'kinn looks furious. Kim is trying to fight but his hands are tied, we went in and saw them taking him to dungeon.
What did he do??  He's being punished. Said Macau who's head is on my head.
This is how they punish you here??
I asked..... IN JAIL.
Yeah he fucked up big time. He won't be getting any food there and it's dark. We had one in minor house. Dad used to throw my brother in there. He explained
What wrong with this family?? I said under my breathe.
Is it because of that plan??
Maybe. He whispered.

He's in trouble because of us. I looked at Macau who is equally worried now. We shouldn't have broken in.
Should we go check on him?? He asked. I nodded.
We slowly went in its not like anyone would stop Macau but P'kinn saw us that no one is allowed to meet him. Then P'tankhun came and screeched in his voice and P'kinn became even more furious. He told him if he ever heard his loud voice in the house he'll be thrown out. He even warned his bodyguard to keep him silent. He backed off and left.

I looked at Macau we went back to our rooms. I am really worried about it. We couldn't sleep the whole night so went down to kitchen and then we heard someone screaming after being tortured. We prayed it. Please don't be Kim .
Macau's pov
Then P'kinn came out his shirt is socked in blood. This is why brother wears rain coat. But he looked horrible.
Why are you two here?? He asked softly.
Couldn't sleep without Hia. I miss him. Porschay  made an excuse.
You can meet him tomorrow. Go sleep now. He dismissed us.
Can we go meet Kim?? Porschay asked
No don't you dare.
We nodded and ran back to our rooms. We need to find a way. Next day I asked my brother for help he didn't even care. He said not to do anything stupid. So I asked P'pete and he gave us a solution. He told me there is a vent in the cell. No one knows about it. Only Porsche and him. He told us a way to enter. Porschay got snacks and torches. We slowly moved in the vents trying no to make any noise. We found his cell. Porschay opened the screws and then fell on the floor. I am never letting him do that again. His eyes became teary . I jumped down and hugged him. He stopped crying. Then I turned to Kim.
Hello dear cousin.
How tf did you guys get in?? He asked in shock.
Chay looked at me and I looked back
Magical portal. I said
Nah anywhere door . Said chay.
He is looking at us as if we have two heads.
How do you think we got here?? Obviously through the vent if we fell out of it.. That's a seriously stupid question dear cousin. I said
Then I punched him hard in his face.
This is for breaking my best friends heart. I said
Aww I am your best friend. Said chay.
I held my laughter at his voice. Kim looks totally jealous. He's an idiot.
You should be apologize now..  J told him.
Chay I am really sorry. When I said everything was for information it's not true. I do love you a lot. Chay please give me at least a chance . I promise I'll do better. Chay I am really really sorry. He apologized sincerely 
It's OK P'kim. I realized everyone was just a piece of information for you.  I just thought it happened only to me. So I was really angry. And about I love you . I have gotten over those feeling, I worked so hard to get over them. But I'll think about giving you a chance. And I hate being awkward with you so Friends?? He extended his hand.
Kim shook and that's how we became friends.

Oh God so many sappy people. OK people I am also here. We took out food we brought. Kim ate all the Cheetos and candies. He hasn't eaten for last 2 days. So he is really hungry.
Once we were done. Him and porschay helped me to get into vent then he picked up Chay and I pulled him back in. We bid him goodbye. It's late. And we heard people getting tortured again.
Next day bodyguard schedule changed. No one was near his cell for half an hour that's when we snuck in. This time I jumped in first and caught chay.This time we got him food,  a jacket. If we got caught I am sure we'll be in next cell.
For next four days we found time of bodyguards shift change and we went in. But this time we went in and saw P'Porsche when did he return?? Kim broke in his arms and cried. Aww my cousin has tears too. Then I lost my balance and fell from the vent following porschay who thankfully landed on me.

He took us out and then we were told to go back to our rooms. Then Kim came back and told us he was grounded. What does that even means?? So he can do anything just stay in house. I thought that was vacation.
P'kinn and P'Porsche had an argument and in the end the sorted it out and thats when I found out what is being grounded!!
They took everything. From his phone to laptop. He even disconnected TV no one watched TV. His guitars, video games everything gone.
Well so it's like staying in a house that has no independence. Hmmm interesting. Porschay said he always got grounded. For what?  Eating candy??  Like he could do something stupid. We sat in Kim's room . I tried my best to not laugh at his miserable ass but it's tough. I broke out laughing. Chay told him its OK we'll come meet him daily.
Thank you so much for reading .
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