Feelings, Oh Feelings, You Tear Me Apart~

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cw// medications (in general), mental institutions, unpacking trauma, panic attacks, nightmares, disassociation


Goodbye Atiny, saranghae, Seonghwa.


Checking into the mental hospital wasn't much different than what he expected, after being there before.

He had to remove his shoes first, because of the laces on them. He handed them his bag of essentials for them to check over, and they asked him to strip down to his underwear to check his clothes for anything that could potentially be harmful. They don't mention the hickeys, scars, and skinniness when he does.

He hands in his phone, though they tell him he can have a burner phone with his contacts added if he likes later on down the line.

Afterward, he gets paperwork. He writes down a list of people who can come and see him and their contact information and a list of people who absolutely cannot. He has to write down his basic medical information and any medicines he's on. Then he hands back the paperwork and they escort him to his room.

The room is very standard, and they also hand him a new outfit to wear and give him privacy to change. The door remains cracked at all times, but chained so he can't leave. Standard practice. Adjacent there's a small bathroom with a sink, toilet and shower. There's some shampoo, soap and conditioner in the shower, but he doesn't plan to use it. There's a TV mounted on the wall.

Everything is standard.

The first day is chaotic but also slow-moving. First, they take his vitals; his temperature, blood pressure, respiration rate and pulse. Then they ask him if he would be comfortable being weighed, and if he would like to see the number. He weighs 109 pounds. Seonghwa might not be a doctor, but he knows damn well that can't be good. The nurse masks her shock about his weight but does excuse herself for a while, likely to talk to a doctor.

She returns briefly to tell him that a psychologist will be coming soon to discuss some things with him.

The psychologist is nice, she's very careful and understanding.

"Hello, Seonghwa-ssi. I will be doing your first meeting." She says as she sits down in the chair opposite him. He returns the bow to her.

"I know that right now you may be overwhelmed by everything going on around you right now, and if you need to take a break or stop completely today that is completely reasonable. I just want to begin with some basic questions, is that okay?"

"Yes," he replies, slightly nervous though he knows she won't be prying too deep.

"According to your previous records, it says you were recommended therapy sessions and a Lexapro medication. You said you are not currently in therapy or taking medication, were you ever on medication after these were recommended?"

Seonghwa shakes his head, feeling slightly guilty. Maybe if he had taken the offer he wouldn't be in this situation right now. "No, at the time I couldn't afford them and after I stopped feeling so depressed when I joined KQ I wouldn't need them anymore..."

She scribbles something on her notebook, nodding. "You voluntarily checked yourself in, and you wrote down that it was due to medical issues, depression and trauma. The trauma that you mentioned here, is this the same event like the one from the past or another event that's happened more recently?"

"It's a new event"

She writes something down again, "Well, Seonghwa. I hope to get you to a point where you feel comfortable speaking not just about your recent trauma, but also about the event from your past. I'm not saying that we need to be there immediately, but I do hope to give you some closure and help you reflect on these events without triggering yourself."

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