Chapter 12. Calm Before the Storm

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Calm Before the Storm

Emrys picked up a remote from the table near the loveseat, aimed it at the stereo system, and pressed a button. Soothing piano music played a pleasing melody as soft violins and flutes mingled with the sound of gently flowing water in the background. If I had been able to keep my eyes off him, and allowed them to close, I could have drifted off to sleep. The melody embodied a perfect picture of serenity.

His captivating gaze held me; I was fascinated by his ability to express so many emotions without uttering a word. I felt his undying love for me as it radiated forth. I sensed his gratitude for the good fortune we had in being guided by The Veinvedia. I captured his promise to be with me always. He ran his fingers through my hair and then held my face in the palm of his hands, pulling me to him for yet another kiss. Warm, soft and tender kisses. Always sweet. I couldn't believe my good fortune! It truly would be happening for me, and, it was Emrys! A part of me had hoped he was the one, ever since the first time our eyes met. And to know, without a doubt, it would be forever - made it that much more exciting. The passionate way Emrys looked at me and kissed me, made it easy to believe that we would experience a never-ending love. His warm, yet intense, electrified touches filled me with such exhilaration.

I marveled at the melody playing in the background. It seemed to mimic my feelings exactly: gently flowing water - gently flowing emotions, the sweep of the violins and flutes rising to the sweep of electrical surges. The sound of the soothing piano carrying us down a river of bliss: adrift, and no longer weighed down with worries and cares. Maybe this will be easier than I had imagined. I felt stronger, fearless.

"But first, you have a few more questions for me, don't you my sweet, beautiful Elizabeth?"

I wondered if I would ever get used to him knowing my every thought. "I suppose your mind reading could come in handy if I ever lose my voice, but will it always be this strong?" I asked with a slight bit of impatience.

"It could seem even stronger as you experience the quickening - after my blood is freshly consumed. We will be as one for those few hours until your transformation is complete. Then it will be... different, my dark haired beauty." He put a hand on my head.

My cheeks flushed. I wasn't used to hearing so many compliments, not used to the tenderness he showered on me with such great abundance.

"Oh, but I am the fortunate one," he said, hearing my thoughts of happiness. "And yes, I can answer your other question now."

I smiled, so grateful he could sense my every need.

"Before I begin taking your life force, I must remove some of my own and set it aside for you to drink later. It will give you strength, and supply you with all you need to know about your new life.

He put his hand on the back of my neck touching the Sign. It felt hot and a jolt of electricity surged through me.

"Ouch! What's that?"

"It is our proof that I am the one who put the Sign there. If anyone else were to touch you there, you would feel nothing. You belong to me, and I to you. Remember when you commented on my medallion, when you touched it that night in the pub?"

"Yes, "I said, recalling earlier this evening how hot it had felt too. I glanced at it still around his neck. The raven's bright red eye glowed in the light.

"Until that moment in time, the raven's eye was black. Now you see clearly, it has turned red." He continued slowly, "Your touch has turned an onyx into a ruby."

I shook my head, frowning. "How can...? Why would my touch...? I don't get it."

"Sibelle had quoted a line from William Shakespeare's Cymberline just before she placed this medallion on me." He touched the black raven and said from memory: "Swift, Swift, you dragon of the night, that dawning may bear the raven's eye. Then she gave me the prophetic riddle. I did not understand the quote, or what the riddle meant, until the morning after you touched it. Not only had the medallion been changed, but now when you are near me it becomes hot."

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