ch 2

625 14 4

Welcome back I just wanted to say that I was caught up on somethings that I needed to deal with so I'm sorry but u hope this chapter will make up for that. So with that said let's get things started.


3rd person pov
It is the day after the fight naruto was still wondering who the mysterious person was not hearing Mina or kurami calling his name

Naruto: 'Who was that yesterday'
Naruto: 'Are they an ally or foe? I can't determine what they did after he knocked out mizuki I mean he did save mina but that could be one of his plans to gain our trust'
Kurami: Naruto
Naruto: 'Well whoever that was I have to thank them. Now what do I want to eat later maybe some ra-'
Naruto: Huh
Mina: Are you ok?
Kurami: Yeah you kinda just spaced out on us
Naruto: Sorry I was just thinking about something
Kurami: Is it about the person we saw yesterday?
Naruto: Yeah I just want to know if they're friend or foe
Mina: We'll figure that out someday but right now we got to go we're going to be late
Naruto: Yeah today's the day we figure out what our team will be

The trio started their journey to the academy wondering what type of sensei they will get

Timeskip to after the other teams get assigned

Iruka: Finally team 7 the following people in the team are
Naruto uzumaki,Sakura haruno,Sasuko uchiha,mina uzumaki, and kurami kyuubi(I decided to give her a last name but didn't know what to put it as so if you have something better please tell me)

Random: Wait why do they get 5 and the rest of us get 3
Random #2: Yeah this is unfair
Iruka: If you didn't interrupt me I would have gotten to that anyways the reason is that there were more kids than expected that passed so we put naruto,kurami, and mina together since it was a request from one of their senseis and the other requested for sasuko and sakura.

Timeskip to when the team are starting to get picked up bey their assigned senseis

Naruto: Dont you think they're running a bit late
Mina: Yeah they're really taking their sweet time
Kurami: It's been an hour since the last sensei showed up
Sakura: I'm sure they have a reason for this,right?
Sasuko: Or they forget about us

Just than the door opened up to and they saw a lady with white hair wearing a green vest and had one of her eyes covered by her forehead protector

???: Sorry I'm late I saw a black cat in my path while walking here so I had to take a different route
Naruto: Thats a lie and you know it
Mina: I would have gotten a better lie from a rock
Sakura: Yeah we're aren't idiots
???: meet me on the roof

Timeskip to after the introduction(im too lazy for this)

Kakasumi: well nice to hear about your dreams
Sasuko: wait didn't they say we'll have two of you guys teaching us
Naruto: now that you mentioned it Yeah where is the other one
Kakasumi: he is waiting for us at the field

Timeskip(damn im going to use my yearly budget of Timeskips at this rate)

Once they get to the field they saw a man sleeping on the floor with a special type of book over his face

Mina: How do we wake him up?
Kakasumi: I'll handle this

She walks up to him and wispers something in his ear

Kakasumi:*whispering* your wives found your secret stash

Just than the man shot up at the speed of sound screaming


Seeing this the genins sweet dropped and all were thinking the same thing

All:*deadpan*'this is our sensei'

???: wait I don't have a secret stash
Kakasumi: really than wat are you holding in your hands?
???: uh....this is you win anyways what took you so long were you spying on them instead of bringing them over?
Kakasumi: suprise?
???: well since your here now might as well introduce myself the names Leo
All: nice to meet you
Leo: now we're going to start your test this test will determine whether or not you're ready to be a shinobi

That's a wrap I'm not going to say I promise to update more because knowing my lazy ass that would be a empty promise but what I will say is that I will keep trying keyword trying to give as much updates as I can just expect them to be very slow and have a very big gap between them

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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