Chapter 34

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The six o’clock show was about to begin. Joe gave us a cue. “Two minutes, everyone.”

As I settled into my chair, I tilted my head toward Rick. “Thanks for letting me do the adoption piece. I really hope it helps get the word out.”

“I knew you’d be perfect for it. And Shauna’s a great spokesperson.”

I clipped on my mic. “Hey, and back to what you were saying earlier?” I couldn’t stand to leave a story unfinished. “Before Alyssa…”

Rick turned and faced me, his expression serious. “I was just making the point that sometimes in this crazy business, you come up on something that’s too awful to report on, but you have to do it anyway. It’s your job.”

I nodded, digesting what he meant.

Rick gathered his scripts and tapped the edges together on the desk. “That accident I was telling you about? A good friend of mine died. I was assigned to the story. When I found out it was him, I was so distraught I could hardly keep it together.”

The first notes of WSGA’s opening music began to play.

A deep shudder scuttled down my spine. Could I handle something like that? Am I capable?
Joe’s voice came through our earpieces. “Here we go.”

Rick picked up his pen and shot me a serious look. “I was just glad it wasn’t the same for your friend’s daughter.”

"Me, too.” I bit my lip and smoothed my jacket. Clear your head, Melissa.
Joe cued Rick.

Video of farmers in a peanut field appeared on the monitor. “Georgia farmers pray for rain,” Rick said.
I took a deep breath and watched for the flash of the WSGA logo. New video appeared on the screen. Cars buzzed by on a backdrop of local highway.

“Plus, a new law may affect teenage drivers.” I added. “Find out why.”

Rick nodded and waited for his turn. Once more, the WSGA logo came up, followed by video of college students on campus. “And…can parents afford to send their kids to college? Is the American Dream slipping away for some families?”

While the video rolled, it was as if a veil was lifted from my eyes. Every parent became Candace. Every child became Kelly, Jaden, or Addie. Or Ella Marie. All at once, everything connected. News wasn’t all about ratings, or a catchy headline, or scooping the story.

It was about a friend’s college student, the safety of a neighbor’s child, the viability of a local farm. For Rick, it was about honoring a friend who died too soon. For Cher, adopting a child who needed a family. Reaching for a higher purpose. Being a better person, every day. Finding solutions.

My turn again. “Stay tuned. These stories and more are straight ahead on WSGA News at Six.”
Ten minutes after the newscast wrapped up, I shimmied into Candace’s dress for tonight’s gala and checked my makeup in the mirror. I glowed from the inside out. The show had been perfect. Technically. Visually.
Praise had been showered like confetti. Even Drew threw in a handful.

But tonight was more than that. More than a flawless read, exceptional sound bites, or a witty exchange during the weather toss.

Emotionally and intellectually, I had grown. Just in the span of one afternoon. My calling, my “something” that gave me joy and satisfaction, was helping out real people with real issues. Giving of myself without expecting something in return.

My reflection glimmered in the glass window as I walked out to the parking lot.
The gown I was wearing was gorgeous; the kind a celebrity would show off on the red carpet. Low cut, beaded, and the color of honey. My new necklace and pendant from Candace set off the scooped bodice. The fabric skimmed my hips and floated to the floor.

Rick was already on his way, with instructions to find him when I arrived. According to the memo Drew had sent, Rick and I would give out several awards during the program.

I slid into the car, cranked the engine, and sped off. At least I had a chance to listen to my voicemail on the way.

Beep. “Hi. It’s Chris. I’ll be a little late, but I’ll see you at the Gala tonight. Look for me.”

My heart twisted a little when I heard the sound of his voice. I loved him. We needed to talk and work things out.

Beep. Nothing.

Beep. Another Hang-up.

Beep. “Candace here. How’s the dress? Do you love the necklace? I hope so. Have fun tonight! Believe in yourself,” she reminded me.

Beep. A garbled female voice. “Not … now … you … sorry.”

What? I glanced at the number. Blocked.

A fleeting thought about Alyssa floated through my brain. Surely, that wasn’t her that called. Drew was getting a restraining order. I hoped someone else was getting her a therapist.

The singsong voice mail recording cut in:
“You have no more messages.”

I hung up and maneuvered behind a steady stream of cars, SUVs, limos.

Chris referred to these events as, “Big Money Nights,” and now I saw why. Women dripped with jewels, men sported tuxedos. Who’s who in Macon flooded toward the doors of the Centreplex Auditorium, eager to open up their pocketbooks for charity.

The flutter in my heart sped up. I pulled into an end parking space that seemed miles away from the entrance and surveyed the flow of couples. No way was I going to find Chris until I went inside. My hands gripped the steering wheel.

My cell phone blinked at me from the passenger’s seat. I could call. He could meet me outside. I checked my makeup in the rearview mirror and watched as a silver Mercedes pulled into the spot next to mine.

I snatched up my cell phone and pretended to be deep in conversation. Outside the Mercedes, the man and woman’s voice intermingled. Doors slammed shut, heels clicked on the pavement, their conversation drifted away.

No sense being nervous, I told myself. There’s nothing to be worried about. I talked to thousands of people on the news tonight, didn’t I? Of course.

It was just overwhelming to see them all in person, that was it. Believe in yourself, like Candace said. Step up to challenge.

Right. Let’s go. I grabbed the keys, tossed them in my purse, and swung open the door.

My eyes flew open and I stared at a doubled-over Rick Roberts. He grimaced and waved with one hand, the other held his knee.

“Well, guess I won’t be out on the dance floor,” he quipped and straightened up. His pained expression disappeared as I stepped out of the car.

“I’m so sorry,” I said. “I didn’t see you—”

“It’s okay. Good thing I don’t need this leg to anchor.” Rick winked and pretended to limp around with a cane like an old man, one hand on his back.

I groaned and covered my face with my palm in mock despair, though I knew Rick wasn’t angry. In fact, he was grinning and hadn’t stopped looking at me. Where is his wife?

The crowd shifted and swelled. “Wow. I think every person in Macon is here.”

“You look lovely.” His voice dropped an octave. “Absolutely stunning.”

A chill ran up the back of my legs as I twirled in place to show off the dress. The beads on my dress caught the light and sparkled furiously.

“Thanks. I was fortunate enough to get to wear it tonight. My friend loaned it to me.”

“I was worried you weren’t coming,” Rick explained. “But then I saw you in the car.”

A flush of color crept up my face into my hairline. “I have a lot on my mind.”

Rick tilted his head to one side and squinted at me. “It’s been a rough few days, I’ll admit. Nothing we can’t get through, though.” Rick swept a hand toward the Centreplex. “Can you put it all behind you for a few hours and make an appearance for WSGA?”

He offered me his arm and flashed a dazzling smile. “I think they’re expecting us.”

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