Chapter 15: Grandma

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A couple days had passed since that evening at the waterpark, and Mark and I were doing amazing. We really focused on building our relationship up the past two days. I don't think either of us have ever been happier to be honest, or at least I haven't. Mark is my person, that is one thing I learned from spending so much time with him. We have so many things in common, including morals and our outlook on life. I felt like he was my best friend and lover in one person.

The nice days staying home and relaxing all day had to come to an end, though. Tonight, Mark had to go back to work. He tried to sleep as much as he could throughout the day, so he wasn't struggling to stay awake later. I took the time by myself to contact Jules and see if she had anything for me.

(Y/N) - Heyy, I've finally decided to come out of hiding... you got any articles for me?

Jules - So good to hear from you! I don't have anything yet since I was waiting for you to let me know when you were ready. I'll start looking for offers today!

(Y/N) - Take your time!

I locked my phone and placed it on the coffee table. Looking at the time, I noted that it was about two in the afternoon. I decided to clean up the house a little bit. Mark has been so good to me since I moved in here, and I haven't done a single thing to help him out. The least I can do is clean up the kitchen or something.

As I was sweeping the kitchen floor, I heard a sound coming from the front door. It didn't sound like an animal or anything, but like someone had walked onto the porch and walked off. I checked through the peep hole to see a mail man walking away from the porch. Oh, the mail's here. I walked onto the porch and grabbed the mail out of the box. Walking back in with the multiple envelopes, I was being nosey and skimming through them.

Most of it looked like junk mail, some of it bills. By the time I reached the kitchen table, I noticed one was addressed to me. This made me very confused, considering I haven't even been living here for a month. I opened the envelope, removed its contents, and began reading the paper.

That's right... the court trial. I completely forgot that I had to do that to officially get a restraining order. Our court date is August 4th. That's two weeks away! They seriously couldn't get us in any sooner? I hate the way our judicial system works sometimes.

An unsettling thought entered my mind. If I just received this, I guarantee it Felix has already gotten his. I know he's got to be kicking and screaming right now, probably destroying anything in his sight. His anger issues were something he hid well in the beginning of our relationship. Seeing his house a few days ago after he unleashed all of his rage on his personal possessions, I'm glad I got out of the relationship when I did. Who knows what could have happened to me if I stayed any longer?

Thoughts of our relationship started to flood my mind. I felt paralyzed; I wanted to stop thinking about all of our fights, but I couldn't. It's like every time he screamed at me, called me a disgusting name, or spat in my face were the only thoughts my brain knew in this moment. Suddenly, I became dizzy. I was sweating and my body temperature felt higher than normal.

My vision was clear enough to make out a path to the kitchen sink. I stumbled over and got a drink of water to try and help me. My breathing started to be more controlled, and my vision cleared up. What the fuck was that? Do I need to see a doctor? I feel fine now, just exhausted. My entire body felt like it could collapse right here in the kitchen.

Listening to my body, I struggled my way up the stairs into me and Mark's bedroom. My adorable partner laid in the bed, cuddling a pillow with his lips slightly parted. He was snoring, but not too loud; just enough to indicate that he was in a deep sleep. I sneakily made my way to my side of the bed and curled up in a ball, my back resting against his.

Suddenly, I felt Mark roll over and wrap his strong arm around me. He rested his forehead against the back of my head after moving my hair out of the way. "Did you miss me that much?" he teased. "Well, I did miss you, but I'm just not feeling good," I replied. "What's wrong, princess?" "I don't know, just really tired. My body just feels really weak, so I'm going to rest a bit. Maybe that'll help." "Do you need anything from me?" "No, darling, you just rest before work." "Okay, honey." He yawned out and soon went back to sleep. I followed along with him and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


My eyes fluttered open as I awoken by the sounds of Mark getting ready in the bathroom. The light shining into the bedroom was blinding. I reached over and grabbed my phone to see that it was 9:20. Mark had about 20 minutes until he had to leave for work. I decided to fully wake up since it was his first night back to work. We've been together for the past five days, so being alone for a few hours tonight was going to be a very different change.

Mark walked into the bedroom in his underwear and immediately took notice of me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" he asked. "Yeah, but it's okay. I need to get up anyway," I responded. He started to put on that adorable suit of his that he has to wear to the bar. I know he hates it, but I think he looks very handsome in it. "You sure you don't need me to stay home another night?" he asked me. "No, I'll be okay," I giggled.

I got out of bed as he walked over to me to give me a hug. We stood in each other's arms for a moment before releasing with a kiss. "If you need anything, please call me," he said. "I will. Don't work too hard," I teased. "No promises." He ran down the stairs and out of the house in no time. I honestly think he's excited to go back to work. It's kind of cute.

Since I haven't eaten for the evening, I decided to run down the stairs to the kitchen. After searching the kitchen for something quick to make, I decided on a frozen pizza. This way Mark could eat some if he wanted to whenever he got home. As the pizza was cooking in the oven, I opened the contacts in my phone and clicked on the one labeled 'Grandma'. I haven't talked to her in a few days, and she deserved to know what was going on, so I decided to call her.

The line rang a few times before the older woman's sweet voice tuned in. "Hello?" she chimed. "Hey, grandma," I said back. "Well, hi honey. I haven't heard from you in quite a few days, is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything's okay now. Felix and I broke up." "Well, it's about damn time. I'll tell you honey; I didn't like the way he was treating you." "I know, me neither." "Does this mean you're coming home?" "I'm afraid not. Wait till you get a load of this shit."

A chuckle was heard from her side of the phone. "Oh, lord. What did you get into this time?" she asked sarcastically. "So, I've been living with this guy-" I was cut off. "(Y/F/N) (Y/M/N)! What the hell is wrong with you?!" "No, grandma, listen. I've known him for a while, he's Felix's friend. Well, he was Felix's friend. Anyway, the day I broke up with Felix, he said I could stay at his place as long as I needed to. That night, after he went to work, Felix was caught literally fucking stalking me." "Holy shit!" "Yeah, so we're in the process of a restraining order."

"Well, you better stay safe sweetheart." "I am, grandma. Don't worry about it too much, okay?" "The man you're staying with, is he strong enough to protect you?" "Oh, I'll let you be the judge of that. Hang on." I sent her a picture of Mark that I found on his Instagram. "Oh, wow. That's a man alright," I heard her say. "See what I mean?" I asked. "Why don't you hook up with him? He looks like he's more your type, honey." "Well, we might've gone out a few times." "That's my girl. I'd love to meet him someday. What's his name?" "Mark. Oh, and he's from Ohio, too!"

We chatted for what felt like only minutes, but it turned out to be hours. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was almost one in the morning after we ended the call. It was nice talking to her though, considering I don't get to do it much. If you can't tell already, I get a lot of my personality from my grandma. Everyone else had cool moms while I had a cool grandma.

I'm glad that just by the little bit I talked about Mark, she seems to already adore him. Grandma didn't approve of a lot of my partners growing up. I think it was because she's very protective of me. It sounds like she not only likes Mark, but trusts him enough to take care of me. I hope one day she gets to meet him.

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