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As the sun set the next day, Vita handed us each a tied cloth sack full of food for our journey. She set her hand upon your face, looking at you for the last time. "Long live the heirs of Cleopatra. Safe travels to Greece. I hope you have a long and prosperous life." I thought she might shed a tear, her eyes shimmering in the dim light of her home. Instead, she turned to me and nodded, knowing I was your best chance at getting you to Greece safely.

We left as soon as the sun had disappeared, the sky darkening completely without the light of the moon. If we could get out of the city and far enough from Rome while it was dark, I believed we could travel during the days as well. I thought it was unlikely that the soldiers would be searching all the way to Histonium.

We nearly came in contact with Roman soldiers on three separate occasions, still patrolling the streets well into the night. As soon as we could hear them coming down the well-worn road, we scrambled to find some nearby brush. I was sure they wouldn't know who you were just by looking at you, but I didn't want to chance that.

By the time the sun came up, we were in Tibur. I was sure we would be safe from then on, as it was highly unlikely that anyone this far from Rome would recognize you. We still tried to keep away from large groups of people, doing everything we could to ensure your identity remained hidden.

It was early morning when we arrived and Tibur was already bustling. Our feet were tired from seven hours of walking through the night, so we stopped for a break. I was itching to continue and get to Histonium as quickly as we could, but I didn't want to force you on if you were in pain.

"I could always carry you until your feet begin to feel better." The offer was immediately met with a deadly glare, so I didn't push you any further.

We found the marketplace, and my heart began to race as a soldier made his way toward us. Your eyes widened and you looked to me, subtly moving behind me so that you wouldn't be seen.

He approached me and I tried to keep my face calm. He looked behind me pointedly, making it clear he had already seen you. "Where are you heading?" He asked it casually, but I remained on high alert since he hadn't asked anybody else before us.

"Histonium, sir. My wife and I are going to visit our family in Histonium. You will have to forgive her, she's quite shy." I turned around to you and nodded to let you know it would be okay. You stepped out from behind me so that the soldier could see you better.

"You two aren't from Tibur, are you?" We both shook our heads.

"From just outside Rome, sir." You were about to open your mouth after this, but you saw the look in my eyes. We couldn't afford to have your sharp tongue jeopardizing the one chance we had to get you to Greece.

"That is quite a long journey." We didn't dare speak again, just nodding our heads. My heart was racing so fast I thought it would leap from my chest. I knew I could take this soldier if he tried something, but my fear was that there were more of them, or that someone might see us and we wouldn't be able to get out quick enough.

The soldier looked at both of us closely, but seemed satisfied with this answer. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until he turned away and walked in the direction he had come.

You were clearly shaken up, breath leaving your body in short spurts. I grabbed your hand and walked us away from the marketplace, trying not to move too fast and arouse suspicion again. When we finally reached a safe distance, I stopped and closed my eyes, finally relaxing just a bit.

"I think it would be best for us to continue for a few more hours to get to somewhere with fewer soldiers." I could tell you were hesitant, but you were still shaken from our encounter and agreed with me. You launched yourself into my arms, and I held you as our breathing slowly returned to normal. When you had finally calmed down a bit, we threw the packs of food over our shoulders and continued on.

Thirteen Lullabies | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon