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Hello there! If you didn't know, this is book two of the "BROKEN" series. You don't have to read the first story to understand this one per say, but when characters from that story appear in this one, you won't be as excited lol. But I do suggest you read Heaven On Fire. It's pretty good if I do say so myself. This book will be pretty chill (at least I hope it will) and I've been waiting to write this for a little over a year at this point. I can't wait for you guys to fall further in love with MC and some new characters too!


Don't steal my story. If I see this story on any other account or app that isn't mine without credit to me, I will take legal action. Plagiarism is a crime, remember that folks.


This story contains:


-underage drinking

-mentions of kidnapping

-mentions of mental illnesses


-people of the LGBTQ+ community (if you get triggered by that then leave hun, we don't want you here anyway)

-interracial couples (see statement in parenthesis above)

-an adorable Japanese girl

-a very angsty Scottish boy

-cameos from my previous stories



[disclaimer: i don't know the genders, sexualities, races/nationalities, or ages of all of these people. they simply look like the characters in my mind, nothing more, nothing less]

myraliz-cedar "mc" tanaka

myraliz-cedar "mc" tanaka

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