The Meeting And Minho and Alby Not Back

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It was the next day and I was really tired for some reason. Maybe just from all the stress of everything that's been occuring. I got up and changed into new clothes and walked out the door. It was really warm today and everyone was outside doing their jobs. I couldn't wait to find out what my job was, and I was nervous too especially if I saw Newt. "Oh boy!." I was walking down the stairs when I stopped because I realised today was the day I was going to have the meeting with Alby. "Great I just can't wait to see how this will turn out, either It will go great or it will go terribly, it all depends on if he's in a good mood or a bad mood or if Gally is in the room." I was quite nervous as I knew how hard it was to get through to him on subjects especially how hard it was on the Ben topic. I was heading for his room not in the mood to eat as my stomach was feeling a bit of today probably nerves. I really should be eating as I know I haven't been eating much since I have been here, that is because I get anxious and when I do my stomach goes into nots and I just don't feel like eating anything or I would get sick. "Hopefully after all of this I can go to the kitchen maybe get a smoothie and a famous bread and cheese sandwich, they are so good!." I kept walking until I was near to the meeting room. I was so close now and I was getting more nervous. "Let's hope this goes okay and not awful, I don't think I can handle anymore stress."

I was just outside the meeting room door when I heard a bunch of people talking in the room and when I got closer and put my ear to the door, it sounded just like Newt, Alby,Gally and Thomas plus a few other boys. "I wonder if Chuck is there?." I could hear them all talking about something but I couldn't hear so I got my nerves to open the door very quietly so I could hear what was being said. Why am I not surprised it was about me again. "I seem To always be everyone's topic of conversation, it never ends, I mean I should be happy I'm being talked about so much but honestly I am not one bit impressed as its always bad and that means trouble, I will just listen and see what happens, hopefully not to bad." "What are we going to do with Amelia, her behaviour Is inexcusable it can't continue, she is defying all our rules and yesterday she even poured a drink over Luke's face in the kitchen, over no surprise here but Ben, she will not drop that subject" I know that was Alby talking, of course it was always him. "What do you want us to do with her?, We can't just banish her Alby she is finding.this hard she's not used to this plus she is the only girl, we are lucky as we all have boys to support us, she has no female company and I can only imagine how difficult that is for her, also you both manhandling her doesn't help, have you seen her wrists?, Of course you haven't as you don't care obviously, not trying to start an argument, just stating a fact." I knew that was Thomas talking.

"We know that Thomas, we aren't going to banish her that would be too harsh , plus she has been in the slammer which she obeyed and that's a start, but I think she deserves another punishment for her behaviour yesterday with the shouting and the drink pouring over Luke, and she is getting one and thats final guys." "I could not believe they were doing this its ridiculous I just hope I don't get a serious punishment, I mean I was already in the slammer for one night and it was okay but god I would not like to go in there again if it can be helped." I focused on the conversation more. I could hear Gally talking next "I think we should throw her in the slammer again for one night with no food only bread or any nice drinks just water, she handled the slammer well the last time so I say she does it one more note for what she did yesterday and because I think it's the only punishment she will agree to do, that's my opinion.!" I was able to just about see them all shaking their heads. "This was not looking well for me, I was already in the slammer for a night I really don't want to go back in, it's not the worst but like it's not as nice as being in your own bed. I listened again, "All in favour of Gally's choice of punishment say aye." I really was panicking now. Was this going to be another boys against me moment. "Ugh I hate my life so much!." I could hear everyone say and I mean everyone I think even Thomas say. "aye" I was starting to get really worried now. I felt so betrayed it wasn't fare. I hear alby talking again "All rite Gally and Thomas I want both of you to go and get Amelia and bring her to the slammer straight away." I saw them both shake their heads but Newt's less enthusiastically and walk put of the room. I don't know if Newt was happy or not. I couldn't tell. Getting a bit of nerves I decide to have the courage to face this conversation and enter the room. "I really don't know how to behave." The room went silent when I closed the door and everyone looked at me. Being honest I was actually nervous. Newt and Gally both saw me and started quickly heading for me. Newt had is head down. Yep he definitely wasn't happy with this decision but yet he was still doing it and not standing up for himself. He looked at me. "I'm really sorry Amelia, I know you have been in the slammer for one night already but this really is for your own good and it's only one more night, please don't cause any trouble for us or I will have to use force and Gally will to and I don't want that." Feeling so upset I looked over at Newt shocked "ME CAUSE TROUBLE ARE YOU SERIOUS?" "YOU ARE THROWING ME INTO THE SLAMMER A SECOND TIME JUST FOR STATING MY OWN OPINION AND POURING A DRINK OVER A COMPLETE ASSHOLE WHO DESERVED WHAT HE GOT, ARE YOU SERIOUS?, WHAT ABOUT LUKE IS HE NOT GETTING A PUNISHMENT FOR WHAT HE DID TO ME?, NO DIDN'T THINK SO, I AM THE ONE WHO IS ALWAYS DOING WRONG AND I GUESS ITS BECAUSE IM A SHUCKING GIRL, WELL That's WEIRD BECAUSE LAST TIME I CHECKED IT WAS A FREE WORLD AND IN A FREE WORLD YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO YOUR OWN OPINION AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF" they were both.looking at me very annoyed and Gally walked closer to me and said with a threatening voice "AMELIA YOU ARE GETTING INTO THAT SLAMMER NOW WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT FOR ONE NIGHT SO MOVE YOUr ASS BEFORE MYSELF AND NEWT FORCEFULLY HAVE TO MAKE YOUR SHUCKING ASS MOVE FOR YOU AND IT WON'T BE NICE, I PROMISE YOU THAT!." I was pissed off but looked defeated. I was really upset. I can't believe I was being punished again for something I believed in. It's really not fare. "Why am I being punished for something I believed in, for standing up for myself, it's not fare." This place sucks.

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