Stephen The Wandering

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By: Emquake

May 22nd 1956
"Um... Mr AverGreen?"

The doctor walked in with worrying eyes. I sat up from my desk. "What is it? Is my wife okay?!"

"Well... we're having some difficulties with the birth. The child seems to be stuck in the birth canal and your wife is losing a lot of blood and-,"

I shoved the doctor and sped towards the bedroom. I ignored the doctor as I went up the stairs.

The first thing I saw when I walked into the room was my wife screaming in pain. But she looked... weak.

Her face coated in sweat and tears. I rushed to her side, grasping her hand tightly. "Don't worry dear, I'm here."

Her breath picked up faster as she continued pushing. The agonizing hollering hurt me, seeing her in pain caused me pain.

Then, a small gurgling cry could be heard from the doctor's arms. I glanced over at the doctor to see a tiny blood soaked newborn.

Our child.

I was so happy, our child was finally here! I looked at my wife and my heart sank.

My wife was still, her eyes were draining every last bit of life away. I didn't even noticed that her hand was ice cold.

Distance cries of our child echoed throughout the room. She didn't move, wasn't aware that our flesh and blood is alive and well and did not react to the newborn's screams.

"No... no no no! Erika darling! This can't be happening! No no no no NO NO NO!!!!" I felt to my knees, her hand still in mine. I burrowed my face into the bed sheets my tears staining the blankets.

The doctors had to drag me out of the room to collect myself and tried saving my wife. But to no avail.

She was dead. She died of blood loss or complications during childbirth due to the baby being a month premature and being in the breech position. She was also gravely ill with pneumonia.

1 Week Later

I stood in front of Erika's grave, I held our baby girl in my arms, swallowed by the long black hooded cloak I wore. Overwhelmed with grief I felt my legs shaking. I looked down at my daughter, and a single tear fell from my eye to her cheek. She was fast asleep throughout the time we were in the graveyard. I smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you Erika, thank you for giving me this beautiful child. I will love her to death, guide her through hardships, protect her..."

Our child however, our child turned out to be a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Weighing about 5 pounds and 2 ounces. She had both her mother's hair and eyes. My wife told me before she died and was still pregnant she had a name she really loved if our child was a girl. So, I gave her that name.

I bestowed the name Annalise Rosalind Erika AverGreen upon her.

Annalise was a calm beautiful baby, a couple of my maids would help me out and they were super caring towards her.

As the years passed by, Annalise is now starting high school. But she was acting differently. She used to be a bright and loving girl and now she's isolating herself. She wouldn't even speak to me. I tried asking her if anything was bothering her, but she walked away without saying a word. So I turned to her fiancé Adrian to help. I asked hum if he could keep an eye on her until I knew what was going on. At school, at home, even at night. And... I paid him.

This went on for a few months, and Annie didn't seem to realize it. Her eyes would be shut, deep in slumber, and wouldn't notice Adrian watching through her window.

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