Chapter 3

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The dreamscape spun and twisted. For a moment, Shen Qingqiu felt as though he was walking in the air, but not long afterward, he felt a fresh cold breeze brushing against his cheeks, causing his long black hair to flutter. Their surroundings brightened; soon, the hollow dreamscape was filled with light, so much that Shen Qingqiu instinctively lifted his fan to hide his face.

When he lowered his fan again, the view in front of them had changed completely.

Beneath the matchless blue sky, where billows of pure white clouds marched across the mountain summit, a rich forest of green bamboo was swaying in the wind. Young boys and girls wearing familiar robes could be seen all around them; some were taking a walk, some were practicing martial arts, and some others were bantering with each other.

There was no need for Shen Qingqiu to ask about it. Without a doubt, this was none other than Qing Jing Peak.

"Ah, this disciple has not been here for a long time. This brings back memories."

Luo Binghe whistled in astonishment, but Shen Qingqiu knew it was nothing more than pretense. After all, if they were to follow the original story, the man standing beside him now was the one who destroyed this place. For this Luo Binghe to say such a thing, if it was not meant to ridicule, Shen Qingqiu did not know what else it was meant for.

"The last time this disciple was here, I was blessed to have Shizun brush my hair and even kiss me. If only that other me didn't come to interrupt, we would've been able to do a lot more. Regrettable, wasn't it, Shizun?"


"Ahem, I suppose I was wrong. There is no way the dream parasite will hide here. Let us return to the fork and choose one of the other two roads."

Clearing his throat, Shen Qingqiu started fanning his heated face and turned on his heels, but Luo Binghe stopped him in his tracks.

"Why the hurry, Shizun? We've just arrived here," he smiled, "Besides, how does Shizun know the dream parasite isn't here?"

"Dream parasites feed on their victim's vulnerable memories. This is Qing Jing Peak. This is where I live, and these are my own disciples. I don't believe I have any...vulnerable memories that the parasite could exploit in this place."

"If Shizun permits it, this disciple would like to examine our current vicinity for just a moment. The dream parasite may not be hiding here, but perhaps we may unearth some valuable clues."

His mouth was asking for permission, with a gentle smile no less, but Shen Qingqiu could only feel threats emanating from him. Nevertheless, he had no reason to refuse because what Luo Binghe said made perfect sense. Taking a look around wouldn't hurt, so in the end, he agreed to the other's coercio–suggestion.

The two of them walked side by side in silence. Threading down the stoney path down the bamboo forest, they soon found themselves in the more inhabited area of Qing Jing Peak; namely, the place around the library and the hall where Shen Qingqiu would usually hold his lecture. They saw the young disciples of Qing Jing Peak—their illusions, at least—running around the field, chattering and laughing happily with each other. It was a sight as normal as it possibly could, something that Shen Qingqiu saw every single day.

However, when he absentmindedly cast a glance at the man walking next to him, he saw that Luo Binghe had an indescribable look on his face. Shen Qingqiu was pondering whether he should ask or not, concerned that this man might start trouble with him again when Luo Binghe opened his mouth and talked first.

"Everyone looks so happy and unrestrained," he said, "I wonder... Does Shizun teach them differently my Shizun did?"

Hearing his question, Shen Qingqiu was inadvertently reminded of the time when he was in school and got called by the teacher to answer a quiz. But this time, if he failed to answer, or gave the wrong answer, he wouldn't get away with just a few scoldings.

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