14. Argument

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Sometimes it's about chaos,
Other times it is about suffocating silence.
Neither chaos nor silence ever bestows me peace.
For the trail of your absence throughout my journey echos.
I halt again and again
Run back to revisit the same old memories
For once upon a time there was "us".
An illusion it truly was...
We were never meant to be together.

Shriya folded the paper after writing as she tried to put herself to sleep. She tried hard to forget whatever happened in the morning.

Raddison Conference Hall,

On the left hand side of the larger rectanguar table sat Shriya along with her sister Vaishnavi, brother Prakash and other members of South Federal Party (SFP)

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On the left hand side of the larger rectanguar table sat Shriya along with her sister Vaishnavi, brother Prakash and other members of South Federal Party (SFP). On the opposite side sat Raghav, Lakshman and his wife Sanjana along with members of Dakshina Seva Samithi (DSS) party.

The meeting was chaired by Mr.Varadarajan who did not belong to either of the party. He began speaking "I would like welcome both party members to this meeting. The reason we all have assembled here is there seems to be an unnessary rift which is causing a lot of loss in terms of Government funds in states of Karnataka and Telangana".

Prakash began speaking "I don't see any reason for loss. As opposing parties it is our duty to make sure our stance is clear among people".

Laxman retorted saying "You are the ruling party in your state and we are the ruling party in our state. As far as I know we should be concerned about our respective state oppositions instead of  bothering about each other".

Sanjana held his hand to calm him. She knew about Laxman and Prakash's enmity due to Sharini. Sanjana tried to calm the situation saying "We maybe ideologically different, I see that you are a liberal party and we are more conservative. I think we should talk about all things we aren't supposed to do to avoid conflict".

Shriya looked at Sanjana and felt she was simply perfect for Laxman. Her thoughts were interuppted when one of the DSS member shouted at Sanjana "Madam you are too good and are sparing these people. They are the ones who spread pamphlets in our state about SFP and their goals".

Sanjana couldn't say anything because it was true. Few days ago Shriya was the one who released an official notification speaking of expansion and ordered for advertising.

Shriya interuppted saying "In a democratic country I have every right to expand my party horizons from one state to another. My complaint here is the sanctions set up by your government by increasing taxes on food grains which we purchase from your state".

She took a deep breath and continued "Is this your way of getting back at us? You cannot do that. We could also impose sanctions on several products you purchase from our state".

Raghav then said "Why don't you go ahead and do it then. Please impose taxes or whatever you want to do and bring it to the notice of national parties. Then people will know who started this nasty game and the true intentions of certain people".

Prakash interuppted "You can't speak to my sister like that". Laxman shouted "Watch your tone while speaking to my brother".

Raghav smirked at Prakash and said "Do you have goons outside to get me beaten again? Let me remind you this time I am not going to silently endure as I am not that love sick boy who madly loves your sister anymore".

Prakash stood up in anger and said "You were never in love and stop pretending. I knew you were just using her from day one". Raghav was enraged and was about to punch him. Meanwhile both party members started attacking each other verbally over baseless issues. Shriya tried to stop Prakash and Laxman stopped Raghav.

Mr.Varadarajan intruppted them "This is a meeting to discuss the future of our parties not personal issues". Meanwhile Mr.Prashuram along with Aravind Bharadwaj entered the room. Raghav lost his composure at the sight of Aravind, the person who was the reason for his split with Shriya.

He somehow kept calm and looked away. One of the member of Raghav's party DSS shouted "What is this theif doing here pointing at Aravind".

Shriya sharply replied "Kindly fire your fact checker. I have personally proved that Mr.Aravind is innocent and your party was involved in trying to malign his image. SO HE IS NOT A MONEY LAUNDRER OR THEIF".

Raghav inhaled sharply as Aravind gave a smile to Shriya and she returned it. Raghav announced suddenly "I do realize that the taxes imposed by our government are unnecessary and causing loss. I am one of the advisor in the party but don't have complete rights. So I announce that to avoid mess I would be contesting in the coming elections as a chief minister candidate".

All the members in the hall were shocked. Mr.Varadarajan smiled and said "I know things will change for good if you take up the post and there would be lesser monopoly".

Shriya wasn't happy with the decision. She knew their parties were at logger heads and she couldn't directly be harsh if he was the one standing opposite to her. Besides she knew he was too good for all the filth around the position.

Soon the meeting was dismissed after discussing about few random things to maintain peace. Shriya was in the lift when Raghav entered and they stood in silence. As Raghav's floor approached and the door opened they both were greeted by the sight of Arihaan.

Arihaan who was only expecting his father was pleasantly surprised looking at his mom. He ran into the lift quickly and hugged her by resting his head on her stomach. He whispered with tears in his eyes "amma" but it was heard by both Raghav and Shriya. Shriya simply caressed his hair.

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