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Blake lay their head on the desk, tears slipping down their face.

it was pointless.
(notice: Blake uses both he/him and they/them but uses he/him more, since he is a Demi boy.)
Blake was never going to find prince. he searched every nook and cranny, contacted people he knew in different states to search, and had even made a whole website that went viral dedicated to finding prince.

he stared at his laptop screen. the last sighting of prince was two years ago, the day he disappeared.

it was all over.

Blake cried his heart out that night, tears falling down his face as he sobbed loudly, his cries echoing through his bedroom.

Blake, with tears still in his eyes, gazed up to the moon. his bloodshot raven colored eyes reflected the moon, pure and white.

"if the moon god is really real..please, give prince back to me."

Blake knew crying wasn't going to get Prince back. He climbed into bed and closed his eyes. The puffy eyed boy was about to fall asleep when a voice broke the pure silence.

"for free, blakey??"

blake shot up in bed and looked around wildly. "who are you?!? who's there?!?" he yelled.

"blakey, it's the moon. you made a wish, remember?" a crystal white silhouette suddenly materialized in front of them.

blake stared at them for a moment. then they laughed. "nice joke. who are you really?" they asked, snickering.

the silhouette somehow looked irritated. "if I wasn't the moon, could I do this?" they lifted their finger and rotated the moon slightly.

blake's eyes widened. "then why are you here with humans?"

the moon giggled mischievously. "I wanted to make a deal, blakey."

"what's the deal? and please call me blake." they muttered saltily.

the moon seemed happy. "I'll give you your precious princey back.."

Blake's eyes lit up, but his face still went red, remembering that cringy nickname.

"if you become my body."

Blake hesitated for a moment. Would he really be willing to let a spirit into his body for prince to be back..?

For Prince, of course.

He nodded.

The moon stuck out a pure white hand. "Shake it and the deal is made."

Blake hesitated for a moment before locking hands with the moon and shaking.

The second they touched, a mysterious white circle appeared on Blake's arm, trimmed with gold.

The moon disappeared.

Blake gazed at his hands. Did it work?

He suddenly caught his reflection in the mirror. One of his black eyes was now gold.

Blake was about to get back in bed when he heard a pop.

That was all he heard before he felt a hand grab his neck, and pull.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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