Family Drama

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I can't believe my brother and cousin, always messing with me. We grew up together you think they'd be over themselves.
I'm so done!
"Mom! Dad!" I yell as I run down the stares.
"Madison, what's up baby girl?" Dad ask.
"Hey Maddy" Mom says.
"Mom, Dad, Noah and Sam are messing with me again!" I say.
"Samuel Michael Lee! Noah Christian Estella!" Mom yells in her get your butts down here right now you're in trouble voice.
They come running down the stairs with Jonny and Kyle following them.
"Samuel, what have we told you about messing with your sister?!" Dad snaps.
"We were just having fun Uncle Chase." Noah says trying his best to play innocent.
"We'll have a talk with your mother when she gets back young man. As for you Sam, you're grounded." Dad says.
Once mom and dad go back to doing what ever it was that they were doing I look at my brother and shake my head.
he starts to un me around the house.
Which isn't good on his half of mine because I trip over something and fall on my leg the wrong way. You hear a crack noise and I cry out in pain.
Samuel suddenly shows fear and worry in his face, him and Noah run over to me.
"Mom!" Sam yells, "Mom!"
It's dad who comes in, he sees me on the ground and immediately looks at Sam for an explanation.
"Samuel, what did you do?" He ask.
"Dad, I-we were running around and trying to catch Maddy when she trip and you heard a crack sound." Sam says.
"I think she broke her leg Uncle Chase." Noah says.
"Tyler! You might want to get in here!" Dad yells to mom.
Mom comes into the family room and her eyes widen.
She knows what happened.
"Chase go tell Dominic to watch the kids will Ya." Mom says.
He nods and walks upstairs.
"Noah, Samuel, help Madison out to the car will you." Mom says.
The boys help me up and basically carry me to the car.
I'm going to kill my brother, if I have a broken leg then I won't be able to cheer for the rest of the season!
Getting into the car mom drives us to the hospital.
Dad gets out of the passenger seat and walks around the side I'm on, opening the door and putting me into his arms, then he carries me into the hospital where a nurse takes me into a room with my mom and dad. Leaving Noah and Samuel to set in the waiting room.
They put a neon pink cast on me and give me a pair of crutches that match my hight.
My parents and I find our way back out to the waiting room to get the boys and go home.
"Come on boys lets get home." Mom says.
We go home to find Aunt Lina, Aunt Katara, and Uncle Kole's cars in the field next to our houses.
"Moms here!" Ha, you should be worried you little pain in the butt.
God, Noah knows how to get on a girls nerves.
"Come on kids." Dad says and we go inside.
"Noah." aunt Katara says as we walk I side.
"Maddy? What happened to you girly?" Aunt Lina ask.
"Noah and Sam." I say and head upstairs to my room.
I pull out my phone and call Elijah.
"Hey cutie, how's your weekend going?" He ask.
"Not good. My brother and cousin made me brake my right leg, I won't be cheering for the rest of the season." I say.
"Madison you can call Elijah back later, you have family over." Dad yells.
"Ahhh, I have to go Eli, I'll txt you tonight." I say.
"Okay, bye baby." He says and hangs up.
I downstairs and out back where my family is setting around the fire pit.
"Madison" Uncle Kole says, "Hey kiddo. You seem upset in a way, mad?" He looks at Samuel, "What's it you did this time?" He ask.
"I just want to get today over with and go to bed. I have school tomorrow and I would like to see my boyfriend sometime soon." I say.
"Elijah? Head football player Elijah? The one that's going to dump you the minute he finds that you can't cheer anymore, which means you won't be the head cheerleader anymore. Which means either Brooke or Aisha will get asked out by him." Noah says.
"Aisha and Brooke are my girls, neither would say yes." I say.
"Besides Brooke's way to hot for him. She's out of his league and in mine." Sam says.
"Samuel. Don't talk about your sisters friends like that okay." Aunt Katara warns. "And Noah, if I have to tell you one more that you have to quit messing with your cousin then you're done with sports and never aloud back over here without me"
"But Mom!" Noah says.
"No Noah. I've had enough of you for now. Im telling your father once he gets home tonight." Aunt Katara says.
"We never see Uncle Jason anymore." Jonny says.
"He's busy working Jonathan." Aunt Katara looks down at her phone and says that she has to get going.
Noah goes and grabs Kyle and they leave.
Kole leaves to. Leaving us their with Aunt Lina, Logan, and Uncle Zeke.
"Well I wanted to tell you when Katara was here but...My girl Tyler and her boy Chase still work." Aunt Lina says clearing talking to Mom and Dad, completely forgetting that we are even here most likely, "I'm pregnant again."
"What?!" I say.
"Maddy? You okay sis?" Jonny ask.
I watch Luke run and set on moms lap and yell, "Daddy diaper!" Before I say,
"Can I request a girl. I need another girl in the family."
Mom puts her hand on her stumic and closes her eyes,
"I think I'm going to go lay down. Go ahead and do what you want Lina. And Madison," My mom opens her eyes and looks at me, "Aunt Amanda's coming over tomorrow after school her sixteen year old daughter is going to be going to school with you kids."
I nod and watch my mom leave.
"I forgot Amanda has kids. She has a sixteen year old daughter Ainsley, a fourteen year old daughter Selena, and an eleven year old son Beck." Aunt Lina says.
"Wait, Amanda?" Dad ask walking back out side with no Luke.
"Yep." Aunt Lina confirms.
"Jonny go on and play inside with Logan and Lucas will you son?" Dad ask.
Jonathan nods and leaves.
"Which one of her kids has what last name?" Uncle Zeke ask.
"The first two have her last name sense neither one of their fathers lasted past her getting pregnant. The boy has his fathers last name because they're married." Dad says.
"What's the daughters name?" I ask.
"The one that's your age. That's Ainsley Lucy Black." Aunt Lina says.
"Kids why don't you go inside and leave me to talk with your Aunt and Uncle." Dad says.
It's getting late anyways so I honestly don't mind going to my room.
Which I do.
I'm setting on my bed painting my toe nails when my phone lights up.
Its a text from...
From: The Boo
Hey beautiful I need to talk text me back when you can...
I finish up my toes then text him back.
To: The Boo
Hey baby what's it you wanna talk 'bout?
I'm setting there waiting for him to text back, when he doesn't I grab my laptop and Skype Brooke and Aisha.
"Hey girl." Brooke says when she picks up.
"What the heck it's like nine o'clock. A girls gotta be gettin' her beauty sleep." Aisha says when she picks up.
"Nothing can make you as drop dead sexy as I am Aisha." Brooke says.
I laugh and shake my head.
"My wonderful entertainment of the night I must tell you something." I say.
"What?" Both girls say at once.
I start to tell them what happened when I get a text.
From: The Boo
There's no easy way to say this. Our time together needs to come to an end at some point in time. I do love you Madison but our forever is a day past due. This is me saying I'm breaking up with you.
I stare at the text until Aisha says,
"Maddy? Are you going to tell us whatever it is you wanted to tell us?"
I shake my head and still staring at the text I say,
"I've gotta go." Then I hang the Skype call up.
I process what he said to me and throw my phone across the room and at the wall.
Which only causes me to really break down and start crying into my pillow.
That leads to Samuel waking into my room.
I feel his hand on my back so I set up and lean against my bed post, hugging my knees close to my body.
"Maddy? What happened?" He ask me.
"I-" Instead of actually having to say words I just point at my phone.
He goes and gets it then comes back.
I let him put his arm around me and pull me into him.
"I'm sorry Madison. I'll beat him up if you want?" He says.
I don't do anything besides just lay there letting my brother hold me close.
Mom comes in but I pretend not to see her, Sam shakes his head at her and she leaves.
The next day I wake up and get ready for school. Putting on a bra top, hoodie, booty shorts and sneakers. I do my make up and re-color the light blue streak in my hair, front left side, my blond hair with my blue eyes. My hair isn't like either of my parents really I don't look that much like them moms dirty blond hair, I've thought about dying mine but then I think twice. I also don't look like my brother who actually does have dirty bond hair, but he has blue green eyes. That's where the differences end other than he's a boy and I'm a girl.
I head downstairs and set down at the table for breakfast.

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