Chapter 8: Demon

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It was another bright shiny day. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, kids were playing outside. A very typical sunny September weekend.

And then, this happened.

"Who the hell is coming again?" I swore aloud, a mistake I realized a little too late.

Ashley snickered behind me as mom turned around from the stove where she was cooking. "You, miss, will mind your language. I don't want our neighbors to think I raised my children poorly. Arthur tell your daughter to behave."

Dad, as usual was lost in the paper and came out with a simple 'yes honey, I will' without taking his eyes off.

I pressed my lips together as Mom fumed and turned around.

"Still why bonding with them all of a sudden?" I asked her.

"Not all of a sudden. I wanted to meet them for a while now. Yesterday, I ran into Stacie Wright in the superstore. It turns out she's a single mom and she also has a son of your age."

Ashley, as per usual, butt her way in the conversation. "Yes, his name is Aston. He in the same grade with Olivia and he's super hot." I snorted. Ashley turned at me sharply and was about to say something but dad beat her to it. 

"What boy?" He finally butt in the conversation. "Honey, why are they coming again? Also what's the deal with the Wright boy? How much do we even know about them? What if they're serial killer or something?"

I rolled my eyes at dad's super possessiveness while mom, well, she just turned around and sent a murderous glare at his way. "If you and your daughter do not treat our guests well, I swear I'll-"

Mom didn't get to finish as my phone rings and I fled from the room.

I check the caller ID and it was Zoey.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Hey Oli, are you busy this afternoon?"

"Uh, not really. Mom invited the Wrights for dinner so I might have to help her. Why? "

Zoey paused. Then, "WHAT?!  Which Wrights? Don't tell me—"

"No I'm talking about the famous millionaire family," I rolled my eyes. "Of course is the same one. Now stop yelling."

"But...but..." she floundered for a while. Then, "Mason and Evan might manage to rent guns. Shall I ask them?"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, I laughed. "I'm sure my fists will be fine. But keep your phone nearby. I might need help."

"Roger that." I could imagine her mock-saluting me. I thought of going back to the kitchen but mom might start lecturing me on my etiquettes and manners, so I went to my room, only to find my sister waiting for me in front of the door.

She looked up from her phone when she saw me approaching. She narrowed her eyes on me.

"Sup, can I help you with something?" Don't get us wrong. My sister and I go fine. But like any other little sibling, my sister's favorite job was to make my like a living hell. Also did I mention Ashley was very smart?

"What's up with you and Aston?" She asked right away.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Why was I floundering?

She narrowed her eyes.

"You're hiding something. I can feel that. And you're acting strange whenever his name comes up these days." Would it kill to have a dumb good-for-nothing sibling?

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I didn't know why I kept denying. I mean I'm the older one here. Moreover, she would probably hear about the picture sooner or later. But there was something about her look that made me keep it from her.

"Did you guys hooked up with him or something?"

"What? Fuck, no!" I grimace at the thought. "What made you think that?"

My sister didn't say anything more and walked towards her room whole keeping her suspicious eyes on me. "I'll be watching you."

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I couldn't believe it. Aston and I. Hooking. As if. I picked my laptop from the dresser and jumped on the bed. At least I had the whole day to myself. I watched Brooklyn 99 and Wolfe joined me after a while. He might not understand anything of it, but he was a good company. We continued watching until mom called for lunch and I decided to finish my leftover homework in the afternoon. Even though I didn't like the idea of waiting till the last minute, somehow I end up doing that all the time. 

And it around seven when the door bell rang. I was setting the table so mom sent Ashley to open the door. Not minutes later, I saw a beautiful woman entering our kitchen while talking with my sister. She seemed to be mom's age, tall, at least taller than me, blond and have a pleasant aura lingering around her.

Mom went over to greet her and they hugged. Then she saw me and smiled.

"That's my older daughter, Olivia," mom introduced me to her.

"Hi, Ms Wright, it's nice to meet you," I greeted her. She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug, in a very movie-like overly enthusiastic mother way.

"Hush, call me Stacie," she said once she (thankfully finally) pulled back. "I'm really glad to meet you. I heard so much about you."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "From mom?"

Ms Wright, Stacie, shook her head with a big smile. "No, A..."

Whatever she was about to say next was cut off by a throat clearing. Stacie looked behind me and her smile notched down one degree. Then she looked at me and nodded. "Yes, from your mom."

I turned around to see what brought her highly energized self down to earth and found the six foot something monster who was on a mission to end my life. 

Aston was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed with a very nonchalant face. Well, who else should I have expected?

"Aston, you made it!" mom literally exclaimed with joy.

He turned to face her and like my worst nightmare, smiled. "Of course, Claire, I promised you after all."

Ashley, who was standing not far away from him was hawking him like a twelve year fan girl.

I scowled at the first thought. She and I need to have a talk.

But I have better things to deal with for now. I meant since when my mom and Aston were best friends?

Before I could voice my thought, mom said, "That's my daughter Olivia. She goes to your school."

Aston nodded. "Yes, I know. We have few classes in common."

Both mom and Stacie beamed like 100 watt bulbs. What's up with them?

Stacie took my hands in hers and said, "That's awesome!" She squealed in my ear. I could hear her squeal echoing in my head.

"You should show Aston around the house. I bet you guys will get along well." Mom said and then she and Stacie started walking away, mom dragging Ashley along with her. "Have fun guys."

With that, my mother left me with my doom.

I stood immobile in front of the table, staring at the way our mothers had left until a voice whispered in my ears, "Well well well, look who we have here."

Then, slowly, very slowly, and I turned around to my face my demon.

"Oh hey," I said with a forced yet nervous smile.

Here goes nothing.

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