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If you asked me to describe the beginning of our love in one sentence it would be
"Our love started blooming like a hydrangea in the summer time"

She would question me every day " is the love you have for me the same "
And every day I answered the same way
" indubitably my love "
It was our own little routine
The main rhythm to our song of life
Until the song suddenly lost its tune
My mother used to always assure me that everything changes,
That nothing lasts forever
I was a fool to underestimate her words
Whoever came up with the phrase " love is blinding " is the smartest person alive
Stars can get as bright as nearly -1.5 magnitude
In other words, blinding
Usually stars take tens of millions of years to burn out
Except supergiant stars (aka supernovas) which only take a few million years to burn

I used to see supernovas in her eyes, but eventually it got too blinding, even for me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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