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3 days went by so fast, I'm in Celeste's room with Shan. He's busy making crown flowers for her sister for the past three days. He already made 15 flower crowns for her, I also helped him make those too

Right now, he's still doing it

His highness also visited yesterday, he brought fruits and some news, he investigate along with Theodore for days

He confirmed that there are a lot of mysterious disappearances of children in near village but no traces of the culprit at all

Villagers didn't allow and trusted anyone from the imperial palace or anyone inside this empire, the village doesn't have any imperial guards roaming around

The village is called Casterpone Village, it's the only place that doesn't belong in his majesty's subject, that's why there are no guards there. It's more likely called a 'free village'

Most people from this empire treat them as an outcast and doesn't see them as human, classic treatment from nobles. But some commoners living inside the empire still accept them somehow even though anyone from Casterpone Village doesn't trust them

I made up my mind and decided to go to that certain village

I disguised myself as a commoner and even wear a commoner's coat that Stella bought earlier

"No one will recognize you with that clothing, my lady," Stella said

"This is perfect, while I'm gone, please keep an eye on Shan and Celeste," I said while putting coins in my pockets, I decided to bring both silver and gold coins

"Yes, my lady"

"Also, don't let anyone inside the room, I don't trust any maid from here anymore."

It's because they almost tried to kill me and spread false rumors about me

"Even Veronica?"

"She's assigned in the attic now along with other servants, I don't see her around here for months now. She's also assigned to organizing events in the imperial palace, Elliote recommended her"

"Wow, how lucky"

"You wanted to be in the imperial palace too?"

"I mean, I can go there without doing work so yeah, no thanks."

I chuckle, "Anyway, I better be going, do what you need to do, alright?"

"Yes, my lady, have a safe trip!"

I smiled and walk out of Celeste's room, I went outside the ducal's state where a carriage is waiting for me

"Where shall we go, madam?" A coach said

"Casterpone Village please,"

He just stared at me, "You wanted to go to that village? Are you sure?"

I glared, "Yes, I am sure, I have no time to waste so can we please start the carriage now?"

"Sure, madam. But I'm afraid we will arrive there in the evening"

"It's fine,"

We passed by the woods and long rivers

We arrived there at exactly 8 PM

I paid the coach with 30 silver coins

"Madam, this is not necessary." He said

"It's alright, I don't want you to say anything if they ask you where I am," I respond

"Sure, madam,"

I smiled and turned away

I entered the Casterpone Village, there are yellow lights everywhere, kids are running happily, and the adults are sharing food, even though it was just pieces of bread, fish, and water, they look so happy

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