Chapter: 20 "Alexa play..."

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"Now that we have the steps let's pick up the paste." The lady from Newton said while she clapped her hands.

"Well shit Con prepare yourself." I say gesturing to my heels. "They might be a problem." I say while Conrad's smile dropped instantly.

He looked kind of worried and when I finally did step on him he actually looked like he was in more pain then I have ever seen him in.

I mouthed a sorry while he just kept nodding his head repeatedly. I was at this point holding in my laughter from bursting out and embarrassing both myself and Conrad.

"You do know that I missed my class with Cleveland for you to just step on my feet repeatedly." He said while I finally picked up the paste and was now handling the whole waltz thing pretty good.

"You can always go now if you want, I'm sure that I'd have no problem finding someone to dance with." I say making a joke out of his *calling Athena out* comment.

" Nah I'm pretty good where I am." He said as we saw Jeremiah enter the room.

"Aw he came to dance with his beautiful wife." I say looking at them with my lips turning into a pout. Cam Cameron is punching the air right now.

"Athena stop making these jokes it actually disturbing that you think that Jeremiah is capable of get a wife." Conrad said making my gase turn towards him while I gave him a death stare.

"Well hi love birds you look very nice Athena." Jeremiah said as he continued to joke around with Belly.

"So I don't look good on the other days." I say gasping dramatically. "So very mean of you Jere." I say while I chuckled at him.

"No you know that that's not what I meant." Jeremiah said dropping his smile.

"I'm kidding Jere go and dance with your future or should I say current wife" I said as Jeremiah and Belly headed towards the speaker.

"Alexa play *So pretty*" Jeremiah said as he continued to dance. This dude had such confidence and I was here for it.

He started dancing as the whole crowd made a circle around him. Conrad started going forward to join Jere. I grabbed his wrist before he could even step forward.

"If you dance like that Paige will get mad at me and then you won't be able to be my escort." I say while I laughed at him.

"I wasn't planning on dancing with Jere." Conrad said while he stood in place.

"Yeah sure." I say as I dragged my arm around his neck and pulled him in a passionate kiss which he returned.

"What is going on here!" Paige shouted as she entered the room full of teenagers dancing to a 'inappropriate' song.

"Alexa stop." She said as she made eye contact with Jeremiah and then me. I don't understand what I did to this woman.

"Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool." She said as Jere stepped closer to her.

"We had a code brown." He said making me and a couple of other people laugh. As soon as I laughed Paige made eye contact with me giving me a death stare.
"Yeah we lost the keys to the chemical closet." Jeremiah said making Paige whip out keys and give them to him.

"Catch you later Bells." He said as he looked at Belly and waved towards the whole crowd.

"Kids in love." Conrad whispered in my ear. I chuckled silently at his comment which made him grin.


"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I say as me, Conrad and Belly enter the house.

"Definitely." She said while she went straight outside to where Laurel, Susannah and mom were.

Me and Conrad headed up to my room so that I could change. This time I took my own white crop top  with some oversized black men shorts. Yes I do buy actual men clothes for myself... or actually these might be Jayden's but I don't really care.

"What should we do today." Con said looking up from his phone as I came out of the bathroom.

"I mean we could like just chill or go surfing depends on what you want." I say reapplying my mascara.

"Hmm we could watch a movie?" He said after some time. I loved this idea because I was too tired to do anything.

"We should totally do a Harry Potter marathon." I say grinning from face to face.

"Absolutely." Conrad said making me clap my hands together because of the happiness.


"What are you guys doing." Conrad said as we made our way into the kitchen to get some snacks for the movies.

"Nothing." All three of our mothers say at the same time making us look at them weirdly. Oh they were definitely
high as fuck.

"Alright we are just here to get the snacks." I say as I make my way to the pantry to get popcorn and some gummy's.

"Nina do you want Iced Tea." Conrad said as he looked around in the fridge.

"Yea you don't need to ask that." I say as I chuckle to myself.

"Wait what are you guys doing again?" My mom asked looking at me and Conrad in confusion.

"Watching movies in the living room." I say as I make my way towards the living room. Con came back with our drinks and we got into a comfy position as we started watching the sixth one first so that we had time to watch the three last movies.

A/N: So um I was bored and I wanted to write some chapterssssss so here you gooo.

Also I wanted to apologise for the pic at the start of the chapter. I couldn't find any more Chris/Conrad pics so you're going to have to deal with it for the next few chapters. 😭🫶

Anyway I love you all and I hope your having a great dayyyy. 🫶🫶❤️❤️

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