6.2 ~ wedding bells

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(a/n: the bridesmaid and groomsmen list is below)

Mal and Evie (Maids-of-honor), Jay (Best Man)

Smee twins (flower boys), Mav (ring bearer), and Dude (dog of honor)

Dizzy (furthest from Maids-of-honor) - Doug (furthest from Best Man)

Celia - Gil

Uma - Harry

Audrey - Chad

Jane - Ben

Raelyn (closest to Maids-of-honor) - Alex (closest to Best Man)

~ one month later (WEDDING DAY) 7:00 am ~

A knock on my door early in the morning wakes me up from my deep sleep. Ugh. I roll over out of bed to see Evie, Mal and my mother standing there? That's an odd pairing.

"Morning guys. Good morning Mother. Is there anything you need?" I ask them.

"We need you fully up and ready in five minutes," Evie responds with a big smile on her face. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see it's only 7 am? Why are they here this early in the morning?

"Why though?"

"Um, Soph are you messing with us?"

"No? Is this a trick question?"

"Dear, you're getting married today," my mother sa- oh my god. I am.

"Holy shit I'm getting married today."

"Language, Sophie. We had Carlos spend the night in Jay's dorm and they're going to Ben's later to get ready."

"So you mean I should fully get ready now and the makeup people will do my beauty stuff later?"

"Yeah now go! We only have a certain time limit to fix you up!"

~time skip 1:30~

"I can't wait to see you babe," Carlos tells me from the phone. We've called at least five times already today since we can't see each other. We can't contain our excitement or nerves at all. A knock on my door gets my attention and I signal my mother to get it.

"Honey, the photographer's here in the front. Where should he begin?"

"C, are you and the boys ready to get your pictures? The photographer's in the cathedral my mom says."

"I believe we are ready. I'll call you later. I love you and I can't wait to see you!"

"Love you too, babe. Bye." I hang up the phone and turn to my bridesmaids and my mom. "He said to tell the photographer the boys are going to the cathedral right now." She nods and leaves the room.

"Your Majesty, your hair and makeup is complete. Now you just need to get your dress on and then you can get married!" the royal designer exclaims.

"Oh my goodness thank you so much! It looks fantastic!" he nods and exits the room, leaving the girls to have a little tea talk.

"How do you feel, Soph?" Evie asks me.

"Beautiful but nervous as heck! I don't know why."

"I don't either because you've called him fifteen times at least already," Raelyn jokes.

"Well you look stunning so don't worry he won't like the dress and everything else," Jane says.

"Thanks guys. Oh! Rae, do you know if Alex has the song together?"

"Yeah he rehearsed it last night and I think it came along really nicely! You're going to really love it." Carlos and I chose Alex to be our wedding singer since his voice is so soothing. Plus it saves us a couple hundred bucks.

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