Part 15: The day has come.

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~ After these 9 months, the day had come.  It was December 27th, Gru and Lucy were finally in the hospital.  Lucy had been having contractions all month that were worse every day and they had already gone to the hospital about 3 times so that they would later be sent home, even at Christmas.
Gru had to take paternity leave in early December to spend more time with his wife and prepare for any emergencies.  After so many comings and goings from the hospital, this time the doctors decided that it was time.  Lucy was already hospitalized and preparing for childbirth, waiting to reach 10cm dilation and Gru was all the time without leaving her side, he even worried about her when he had to go down to the cafeteria  for something.  Lucy herself is quite strong and she was coping quite well with the situation, some grimaces of pain alarmed Gru but he knew that this was normal in any pregnancy and that calmed him down.  Meanwhile, Dru stayed home taking care of the girls.

Throughout the day, Gru's nerves were controlled, perhaps they rose when Lucy had stronger contractions that caused him to have to hold her hand until that finished, but he managed to be fine although it hurt him to see his wife suffer.  The two already expected this situation in advance, there is no doubt that in the first months of the pregnancy they had been informed of most things that the pregnancy implied.  Lucy had been told what she should do at all times.

She spent the whole day and night like that, trying to be strong together in the hope of having her baby in her arms soon.  For every minute that passed, they were closer to that moment.
And so it happened, the night passed and it was 8 in the morning of the 28th. Everything was fine until... Lucy's water broke.  The doctors had told them that she would be in labor by now and that obviously drove Gru crazy.  He was almost going to be able to meet his little one, they were almost going to be able to hold him in their arms, this wait was almost over.  He was going to become the father of his own biological son.

When the doctors were preparing everything for the delivery, Gru had another nervous breakdown and he had to be calmed down by Lucy.  ~

- Gru: The baby is coming...

- Lucy: Honey, everything is going to be alright, yes?

- Gru: Yes, I know, but..

-Lucy: You're even more nervous than me, you're trembling...- She said after wincing.  -

- Gru: I don't like seeing you like this, seriously..

-Lucy: I know, but surely later you will like to see me with the baby in my arms...-She said putting one of her hands on Gru's cheek.  -

Gru: I love you..

- Lucy: You know I do too.  -She said holding Gru's hand with strength.-

~ And so time passed, Gru holding Lucy's hand to help her endure the contractions and Lucy simply taking her nerves off with her charm.  He also helped Lucy to breathe properly and that helped her, together they were doing everything perfectly.  At times, he also kissed her face to distract her from the situation.

After a few minutes, the nurses were ready to take Lucy to the delivery room.
Two friendly nurses were wheeling Lucy into the ward while Gru walked beside her.  Gru was so nervous that his heart jumped out of his throat, he began to sweat nonstop.  Lucy just held his hand on the way, it was a long corridor.  Suddenly, Gru began to see everything blurry and feel dizzy.  The only thing he could see was how one of the nurses grabbed him so that he would not fall to the ground.

He woke up and quickly looked around.  He was lying on several chairs in the waiting room, with one of the nurses and Lucy in the wheelchair next to him.  ~

- Lucy: Honey, you fainted from nerves..

Gru: Oh...

- Lucy: I'm afraid you should stay here resting...

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