(2) don't look down

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Musa is dangling from a cliff. He has a cut above his eye and is unconscious. His body is hanging upside down from the rope tied around his leg. He's losing blood and a lot of it. "Musa! Musa can you hear me! Musa! Open your eyes!" Toby from the top of the cliff tries to get Musa's attention. Musa slowly begins gaining consciousness, he opens his eyes and then sees a city above him and a sky below. He looks around to gather what his situation is and after he realizes he's hanging upside down from a cliff, his head starts to hurt him. He hears ringing, grunts in pain, and realizes he needs to change his position. He pulls out a knife and cuts himself loose, landing on a ledge. The landing dislocates his shoulder. He grunts again, sits up, and leans his back on the ledge wall. He looks up and sees Toby climbing down with his gear on. Toby is moving down slowly and watches each of his steps carefully. He gets close enough to Musa and then sticks his hand out to him. Musa gets up and sticks his hand out to Toby but then he goes unconscious and falls off the ledge, Toby's quick reflexes grab Musa's hand but blood causes it to slip and now Musa is falling. Toby acts quickly by loosening part of the rope that he had latched into the cliff so he can dive and catch Musa. He dives down and surpasses Musa in fall speed and then catches him but the weight of them both was too much, so the rope snaps from the top but they aren't falling. Musa is holding on, he found somewhere to grip on so he is holding on. Musa, a man injured, barely conscious, and missing a lot of his blood is hanging once again but this time with extra weight and a weakening hand. The glorious moment doesn't last forever because Musa then lets go and they begin falling again. Musa is durable but definitely out this time and toby has nothing to grab on to so he hold's Musa in a way that would break his fall. he whispers to Musa "survive brother" and everything goes silent. 

From the top of the cliff, you hear Nelson's roar as his hands burn from trying to get a grip on the falling rope. He gets a proper grip and then pulls the rope. he uses every ounce of strength he has to pull both Musa and Toby up. "Ha! you two idiots would die without me. Don't worry. you're not dying just yet. We still have more mountains to climb. You two can die at the last one!" rope burned on both his hands but he saved his friends. Musa is still out cold but toby is as bright as day. He looks at Nelson, "damn, this is going to feed that ego of yours." Nelson laughs and replies with a bright smile, "Consider us even." "Even? maybe with me but you know this doesn't cover the number of times Musa's saved your ass." Nelson lets out a laugh again but not for long because he begins to notice Musa bleeding out on the floor. "Musa! damn it! how long has he been out? we need to get him to the hospital quickly!" Nelson picks Musa up and dashes to the car. Toby grabs the keys, starts the car and now they are off to the hospital. Toby is driving the car as fast as it can go but it still isn't as quick as he wants it to be. Nelson is panicking at the back with Musa "Open your eyes! Musa! Open your eyes damn it! how much further is the hospital." Toby replies "we went pretty far out in the mountains so 30 minutes! Just try your best to keep him breathing!" "Keep him breathing or get him started?" "what are you talking about?" He's not breathing, Musa stopped breathing. Toby looks back at Musa and his skin is already looking pale. "No no no no! Musa! you can't die until I pay you back!" in this speeding vehicle we have three people, a dead or dying man, a panicking driver, and a man in debt to the soon deceased. Inside this vehicle, it is loud, screams blocking all surrounding sounds, emotions, and hope.

A deep breath. There is now silence, Musa whispers with a breath that sounds like his last "I can't die in peace with you two idiots being so loud" Nelson Looks at Musa with both shock and relief in his eyes, "Musa? you're alive. okay okay, this is good.  Toby! Medic!" "I know! I know! I'm almost..." Toby could not believe his eyes, thirty seconds away from him was an ambulance. Toby honks at the ambulance and gets their attention and luckily they understood what was going on and acted quickly. Musa is officially saved. The paramedics close up his wounds but he's unconscious again which has caused a lot of damage to his brain leading to amnesia and major confusion. 

Musa has been in the hospital for eight days and he doesn't even remember why he's there. Two strangers, Nelson and Toby visit him every day. He doesn't know why these two are so nice to him. They tell him stories every day about a Mountain god who had saved both of them countless times in the mountains. A Mountain god that appeared to be defying all the laws of nature as it climbed, and how it looked like it was practically walking on the mountain walls. Musa had no memories of being this mountain god. He doesn't remember being the Hero his friends speak of. Musa seemed to be suffering from selective amnesia, all his skills were still intact. what he had lost was his memories with his friends. "I envy who I don't know I am" Musa wants his memories back. He has no clue how he can get them back. Nelson visits Musa and as usual, Nelson speaks of his memories with Musa. Musa listens to every bit of the story hoping that he'll find even one word to trigger something but nothing happens. Nelson goes on with his stories but this time his voice seemed to be becoming lower pitched over and over until a menacing tone was what Musa could hear from Nelson. He looked directly at Nelson's face and saw a creepy smile on a face with a changing bone structure. His head was slowly turning into a deer head, Musa is more confused than terrified but is still scared. Musa wakes up from his realistic daydream but he is breathing fast with no control. Nelson sees this and is confused so runs to get a doctor for Musa but what he saw can't be explained.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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