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Option one has been chosen.

You start to make four sandwiches, incase they dont like the other kind of sand which.you made a pb&j and a ham sandwich. You call them inside to eat, "you have to be one of our nicest clients" jonah said looking at the food like he hasn't eaten since yesterday, which was probaly true."I made two of each if you didnt like the other kind of sandwich" you said, giving the plates to the boys. You all sat down at the table placed in the kitchen."you arnt charging us for the sandwiches right?" Adam asked, you laughed a little, "of course not!I would never take money from a small business. "You said truthfully. "Do you want a sandwich?" Jonah asked offering his, "I'm quite alright, I'll eat what you two dont" you said, jonah shrugged and continued eating his. "Can you give us a tour of your house and say where you've been hearing his meows?" Adam asked, shit. You barely know the layout of this house from the photos, dont stay silent for too long as to not raise suspicion.

Option one: lie and say you have to go somewhere
Option two: show them everywhere exept the basment

where am i?(tmc interactive story.)!ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now