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Sasuke turned back to his human form and as he saw who it was his eyes widened.

There was Kakashi laying on the ground unconscious and bleeding to death, he ran at him and started using medical Ninjutsu to cure him. As he saw attacks coming towards him with the corner of his eyes he activated the Susanoo, as he felt his chakra slowly fade he looked at the injury Kakashi had on his chest and he saw that it was slowly closing, he sighed in relief, he only knew the basics but he was glad that the things he knew were working on the injury.

When he then tried to feel his pulse he didn't feel a heartbeat which worried him, with tears in his eyes he started calling out to Kakashi, images of his relative's dead bodies from the Uchiha massacre came into his mind. Suddenly Kakashi opened his eyes "Sasuke?" He asked sitting up and as soon as he saw the tears Sasuke's eyes he hugged him "please don't cry Sasuke or else I feel like your mother, your father and Shisui will come down from heaven and kill me for making you cry." And Sasuke did stop crying, relieved that Kakashi was alive and laughed a bit at what he said "they probably would."

But two seconds later his Susanoo deactivated and he fell unconscious due to the fact that the Susanoo needed a lot of chakra and all the others techniques with the sharingan needed their fair share of chakra. The villains that were attacking the susanoo wasted no time to attack Kakashi, he transported Sasuke to his Kamui dimension so Sasuke wouldn't get hurt during his fight and then he quickly moved out of the way of the attacks. Kakashi didn't want to waste chakra so he covered his sharingan eye with his headband. Then he saw purple must next to the villains and all that smoke said

"We should retreat, master is asking for you" after that the mist covered the three villains and they disappeared in thin air. Suddenly he heard a shot and as he looked at his leg there was a bullet in it "give the kid back villain!" Kakashi was more than confused "kid?" He asked "yeah, the kid you made disappear with that eye of yours." Snipe said and in that moment Kakashi understood what he was talking about "you mean Sasuke?" Snipe nodded "you know he isn't a kid right? Plus he can get out of that shitjust as easily as I got him in there."

And as if Sasuke was l listening to the conversation he Kamuied back right next to Kakashi "Sasuke, you're back so soon? I thought it would take you around half an hour to recover, this is a record." Sasuke just glared at him, suddenly they saw pink smoke and they both jumped on some branches in case it was some kind of poison, when they looked at the heroes the two shinobis saw that they were all in a fighting stance it was only when Deku spoke that Sasuke understood what was going on "you were part of a villain group all along and you even had a quirk. Why did you lie to us? Did our small friendship mean nothing to you?" Sasuke was now clearly irritated 

 "I didn't lie to you the thing I have is called chakra and everyone has it, I only know more techniques that normal people do and no I'm not in a villain group, they are too weak." Sasuke said

"why would we believe you after all the lies you told us." Bakugou yelled at him "I never lied to you." Sasuke answered which made Bakugou even madder "Sasuke isn't lying to you." Kakashi said 

"why would we trust you? for all we know you could be teaming up with him, and lying to us." Sasuke's face was literally saying 'I wanna die' and suddenly Tsukauchi Naomasa arrived on the scene "kids, calm down. I was the one that personally interrogated him and as you know my quirk allows me to detect if a person is lying or not and he wasn't lying so it has to be something else. If you two would kindly come down here." he said and Kakashi literally dragged Sasuke off the branches.

In the meantime Aizawa had woken up "please follow me" Naomasa said and they complied, Aizawa trailing behind them, they went behind the school and Sasuke and Kakashi were suddenly pinned at the ground by the two "listen, I don't know who or what you are, but you made a mistake coming here today. So you better cooperate with us."

Sasuke was about to use Kirin on the two but Kakashi shot him a look that said 'don't attack. Let's handle this by talking' Sasuke rolled his eyes and then Aizawa spoke "so, who are you two?"

"I am Hatake Kakashi and that one is my student, Sasuke Uchiha!" Kakashi said. "And why are you two here?" Naomasa asked and Kakashi shrugged.

Sasuke sighed "listen well you two 'cause I ain't repeating it twice. From the information I gathered we are currently in a different universe from ours and to go back we need to open a portal like the one Orochimaru opened, if we aren't able to do it then we're going to stay here forever, Konoha will probably lose the war and everyone will die." 

The two teachers were shocked that a 13 year old just came to that conclusion in just two days while Kakashi was proud of his student "then why don't you open this portal this Orochimaru used." Naomasa said "oh my god, I whish I had thought about that before, well guess what, I don't remember the hand signs so unless Kakashi does then we should find a new way" Sasuke said adding a bit of sarcasm.

The two looked at Kakashi who just shook his head but then he added "Sasuke, can't you just activate the rinnegan in some way?" He asked and Sasuke looked at him in an 'are you serious?' face and sighed saying "you know the rules, you need to be in a death situation to activate it. So, unless you know someone who is willing to try and kill me then it's impossible." 

Aizawa thought about it then he said "there is probably someone." Sasuke hearing this was ready and passed through Aizawa shocking the two "let's go then." The three adults soon followed after him.

As they arrived where the battle took place Bakugou ran at Sasuke yelling "you lying bitch!" But Sasuke was fortunately able to dodge it but Bakugou continued to attack him then suddenly Kakashi had an idea

"Sasuke, is that Itachi?!" Sasuke got distracted looking for Itachi and Bakugou's explosion hit him in the face. Then he turned to Kakashi's direction

"Kakashi, are you trying to get me killed?!" Sasuke asked and Kakashi nodded "yes, I wanna go back and we need the rinnegan for that so yes, I am"

Sasuke glared at him and Aizawa asked "who's Itachi?" but before Kakashi could answer Sasuke did "nobody important." 

"he's gotta be the leader of your villain organisation!" Bakugou yelled and Sasuke shook his head at his chill ike behaviour 

"actually Itachi..." started Kakashi just to be interrupted by Sasuke "I'm warning you Kakashi, one word about him and you're dead." 

"Is you're leader that important, is he your boyfriend or something?!" Bakugou yelled "you're talking about his older brother" Kakashi said and Sasuke glared at him 

"wasn't his family dead?" Aizawa asked and Kakashi nodded "yes, it was killed by Itachi." Sasuke was getting pissed "Kakashi, stop talking. NOW." Kakashi did not wanting to get on the bad side of Sasuke's list.

"ok, we need to figure out a way to obtain the rinnegan." Kakashi raised his headband and trapped Sasuke in a genjutsu, who noticed it not even one second after he did but as he understood what he was doing he just stayed in it, in front of him was Naruto, he was charging at him with a rasengan.

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