One Blanket/Here for you

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Nyx drops down on the grass with a light thump, clutching a bundle in her arms. "I wasn't sure, uh, if you guys needed two blankets or just one?" She adds an unnecessary eyebrow wiggle and smirk, causing Rayla and Callum's faces to burn up in flames. "I would have given you two, but it seems like I've lost the other one while my ambler's foot was stuck, sorry about that."

Rayla's eyes widen. She'd have to sleep in the same blanket as Callum. Right beside him. Very close to him.

Her body stiffens and freezes at the thought. She turns to Callum, who mirrors her wide eyes, and she quickly turns away, fiddling with her hair. She feels sorry that he's been put in a position like this. He's been through enough and sleeping in a tight space with someone else, above all, with an elf, was not an ideal situation.

But her mind has other ideas and doesn't respond to these thoughts in time. Her face turns into the scowl it was before as she crosses her arms. "That's fine. Let's just get this stupid night over with." Before she stomps over to where they would set up camp, she turns to Callum and slightly softens. "Are you ok with that?"

He loosens a bit at her tone and nods. "Oh-oh, yeah it's fine, I don't mind." She rolls her eyes at his squeaky voice.

After setting up a campfire to warm them up for the night and placing down the mats and pillows, they all share a meal of some berries that Nyx had saved. Going to sleep was a whole other thing. Callum unravels the blanket as Rayla cleans the mess around them.

Taking a deep breath, she braces herself for the coming night. She walks toward where he was setting everything up. It's going to be fine, she thinks. It's not like they haven't slept in close quarters before, this time it would just be much closer than usual. He's her best friend, it shouldn't be weird. She realizes that she usually wouldn't mind sleeping so close to Callum, his comfort was warm and soothing. But given her current mood, she doesn't think it would help at all.

Once she reaches him, she spots him kneeling beside Zym, attempting to put the little dragon to sleep by shushing his whimpers and quietly whispering about how good getting plenty of sleep is while the little adoraburrs that came along with them drifted off to sleep.

She stares at him for a moment, observing how he handled the dragonling, how his hair flowed in the wind, and how his pretty green eyes glinted with quiet excitement once he got Zym to sleep. Little details she notices make her blush. She can't deny the feelings that had been creeping into her heart for so long now. She knew it was only a matter of time, spending weeks alone with each other. It's getting distracting. Every little close contact caused her face to heat up and her heart to flutter.

The sound of wings flapping broke her out of her trance. The wind rushed through her body, causing her to shiver as Nyx lightly landed in front of her.

"Alright, time to sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us."

Rayla rolls her eyes at her. Deciding that Nyx was right and that she should get sleep, she walks over to Callum who turns to look at her as she nears him.

"Hey, ready to go to sleep?"

His face was gentle and she realises that she can't stay mad at him. Shooting him a smile, she nods. His face was slightly flushed but she couldn't blame him. It was going to be a very awkward night.

They settle in, lying beside each other. Rayla stiffens and is unable to relax, the blanket tensing around her. She curls up, turning away from Callum. He exhales from behind her, his breath tingling her neck. He was so close to her. Her heart pounds at the thought of him just being so near her, knowing that he was there if she needed him.

"Goodnight Ray."

Her eyes widen at the nickname. Her mouth slightly turns upwards in a smile. He shuffles and turns to the other side, his back almost touching hers. "Night."

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