Meet the Gang

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Since Bramble-Woods is from a guys POV, I thought I would write something more girlie, so heres the start. It's going to be werewolfy and lots of pack stuff... and REALLY different from Bramble-Woods. Hopefully it wont get terribly dirty... hehehehheehehe

The video on the side was the spark that started the bonfire>>>

Birdie's POV

"C'mon Birdie! Hurry up" Cam teased. "If you want to run with us you're going to have hurry your nice little butt up."

"Just let me tie my shoe! Gosh you guys are impatient!" I laughed and tied the purple laces on my Mizuno's. 

"You can bet your butt we are!" Tanner laughed and said in a loud whisper to the others "Lets just go without her!"

"Y'all! Wait for me! I need one more run in before we leave for camp tomorrow! And I really don't wanna go alone!"  I looked up at them and gave them my best puppy dog pout. Unfortunately, they all started to crack up.  So I tied my shoe as quick as possible and took off sprinting past them. "C'mon y'all! Hurry up! If you want to run with me-" I was caught in mid-jeer by a slap on the butt by Cam. I glared at him, and he just smirked back. 

"What is with you guys and my butt, seriously?" Tom just shrugged. 

"It's a nice butt." I sighed and looked at the asphalt road we were taking. We live in what could be classified as a suburb, except for the fact we only live outside of a relatively small town called West Grove, which is in North Carolina. The guys had all met at my house and we took one of the many different roads of houses, and today we headed towards the river.

"Really, Tom? You think I have a 'nice butt'?" I gave him a shove with my shoulder, and smiled at him playfully. He grinned back, and Tanner noticed.

"Ooh! What have we here? Tom and Birdie? Is it meant to be?"  Tanner's eyes gleamed with delight, as he seemingly found a new way to torture me. 

"Tom and Birdie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Cam sang.

"Put a lid on it, Cam. What are you, Five?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yes, yes I am," and he continued to sing. "First comes-"

"SEX" Tanner shouted, interrupting  Cam. I start cracking up, and turn to see that Tom is bright red, and looking straight ahead as he runs. The red of his cheeks is splotchy on his moderately tan skin. His bright blue eyes and sandy blonde short hair would make him appear to be the popular type, but half the time he never says a word..  I chuckle inwardly at the fact that Tom is so embarrassed. 

"Ok, Tanner, I think that's enough. Tom's face is a tomato, what more do you want?" I laugh, and Tom mouths me a 'thanks'. I just smile, content with my position for the moment. These guys are my three best friends, perverts though they be, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Tanner. Mason, to put it simply, is the idiot. What? I don't mean this in a cruel way, but honestly, I worry about his IQ sometimes. He means well, really, he does (most of the time anyways!), but sometimes, he gets carried away. He's the doofus that takes the stupid bet or challenge to eat a ghost pepper. And with his tall, buff body type, he really should have played football. I would like to think that he chose to run XC because he didn't want to leave the rest of us, but honestly, Tanner just wanted to go against his dad (who just so happens to be the football coach).

Cameron J. Spencer, or Cam, is the annoying one. Let's just put it this way, if he shuts up, then he's obviously scheming, and that always has a catastrophic ending. With his fiery red hair and dazzling green eyes, you would expect him to be the creepy ginger. WRONG. Cam is a hunk, or so the girls of     my grade(which will be 9th, as of September) have labeled him. Honestly, I think the female attention has gone to his head. I think it'll be good for him to get a good dose of bottom-of-the-food-chain when we get to class the first day, which is approximately two weeks away. 

Tom can only be classified as shy. It took us a week after he moved here in second grade to even get a name out of him. But, he's a super sweet guy who, in my opinion, has had his heart broken by b****es far too many times.

Last, but most definitely NOT least, is yours truly, Ms. Birdie Marie Summers. No, Birdie isn't a nickname, and yes, I know my initials are BS. I've heard enough about it from the boys, it's not funny anymore.

Oh, did I forget to mention that we all lived within about 2 houses of each other? Yeah, I guess, in a way, that might explain our closeness. We've been the gang for almost as long as I can remember. Cam's older brother Hank was best friends with my older brother Justin.

"HELLO? BIRDIE??? ARE YOU IN THERE?" Cam shouted in my face.

"Oh, sorry, y'all, I totally zoned out there for a sec." 

"A second? Birdie, you were zoned out the entire run, we're back at your place." Tom tells me, concern in his eyes.

"What? That's not pos-" I look up and realize that yes, we are in fact standing in front of my house. "Well thats weird."

"Um, I'll say so." Cam says. "We had an entire discussion about Superhero's and you missed it."

"Well, I guess you guys can tell me all about it on the bus. I'll see you guys tomorrow, then!" I tell them, as I walk up the steps to my front porch, where I sit down on the top step to untie my dusty shoes.

"Wait, can't we come in and hang out? Please!" Tanner begs, pulling out his pathetic puppy dog pout. 

"Sorry guys, I have to pack." I pick up my shoes, and head towards the door. "And don't forget, the bus leaves at 6 am sharp!" I slam the door, to a chorus of groans, and I chuckle and say to myself, 'Camp is going to be fun'

ANOTHER A/N: I hope you like it, tell me how it sounds, and if I should continue


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