Lets Play A Game

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"Moon- How much candy did you give them!? They arent waking up. This is all your fault! I knew that plan of yours was stupid!" I heard sun quietly mutter out while his footsteps softly paced back and forth somewhere nearby. I squinted my eyes and groaned gripping the pillow benath me slightly annoyed. I wish sun would be a little quieter im trying to- Wait sun?

My eyes shot open as i tried to sit up; key word 'tried'. As soon as i lifted my head it fell back to the pillow and i got a whirlwind of dizziness. My instant regret was in the shadow of my confusion as i starred up at a concerned looking sun leaning over me.

Oh wait. Thats right- moon had gone crazy and i passed out, but now im here with sun. "Sun!" The relief in my groggy voice must have been promament as he smiled happily at hearing me say his name, his nervous look gone without a trace. "Yep! Thats me sunshine- do you feel okay? Are you thirsty? Are ya hungry? Youre probably thirsty- Here, drink some water." He quickly grabbed some water off the nightstand- wait nightstand? My brows furrowed as my eyes darted around the room i was in. It looked like a part of the daycare, only id never been here before, it wasnt entirely different but it looked like a.. Bedroom? I had no idea where i was or how i got here. Did moon bring me here, or was it sun?

I slowly sat up wobbling slightly. I was on a huge bed with fancy ass drapes and colorful bedding and fluffy blankets.

"Oh- sunshine you should lay back down and rest! Even though you have been asleep for quite a while- but sleep all you need! We can play all you want when youre better." His smile was as bright as always and for some reason that calmed my nerves. He handed me some water and i smiled softly in return. "How long have i been here? Where even am i? I need to get back to-" i was interrupted by sun sitting down besides me on the bed unscrewing the cap of the water bottle for me. I couldve done that myself but sun is just pointlessly kind like that sometimes. Id never admit it outloud but it was adorable.

"Dont worry about that. Theres nothing to get back to. All the kids are long gone. Its just you and me sundrop!" He grinned happily and his voice held reassurance, but i felt anything but assured. Why would the kids be gone from the daycare?

"W-what? what time is it?" I dug into my pocket for my phone but faultered when i found it empty. "2AM. Normally i would shun staying up this late, but you were sleeping all day! Me and moon tried to wake you- we did- but you were dead to the world, and i feared you were actually dead. Thankfully youre not, but moon did over do it with the medicine." He laughed a bit nervously and i starred with my mouth hanging open in shock.

"2AM!? Ive gotta go! Im basically trespassing! Wheres my phone- where are my keys!?" I frantically patted my pockets and looked all around for my jacket which was no where in sight. Sun looked shocked at my sudden outburst and i handed him the unopened bottle trying to get off the bed but was yanked back softly at the tug of my shirt.

"N-now now sunshine, no need to go anywhere! Whats the rush?" He laughed nervously and dispite my tugging and resistance he wouldnt release my shirt. "Sun! I gotta get home now, youll see me tomorrow i promise; i have to file a report on my incident earlier with moon. But im really not supposed to be here and i need to go." I kept stubbornly tugging myself away from suns grip hoping he'd give up already and let go. His smile was nervous and his hold was persistent dispite my best efforts. Im sure my freddy fazbear work shirt was stretched beyond repair at this point but i didnt stop. "You cant go." I stopped leaning back and fighting to get away for a second. Starring at the animatronic who seemed to be somewhat serious now. "What?" I asked feeling the familiar panic i felt with moon creep in slightly.

"This is your home now. With me and moon! Forever having fun!" He released my shirt and threw his hands up as if he was offering a new fun activity. My heart sank and i breifly wondered how i could be so stupid to forget sun didnt want me to leave either. Though i was glad he wasnt acting anything like moon was. "S-sun, no i cant stay here forever. Im an adult- i need to go home and get ready to move and stuff. I love you guys a lot but i cant live here. Ive gotta go to college."

My efforts to explain seemed to be going in through one ear and out the other. Sun waved his hand dismissively and stood up walking over to me. "Sure you can! We've got pizza, and fizzyfaz, and clothes; all the things a human needs. Me and moon will take extra good care of you sunbeam!" He ruffled my hair and i was at a loss for words. Under any other circumstances i would think its funny how thats all a robot thinks humans need, but hes being serious right now. "No. I need to go home. Now sun."  My voice was calm and serious, and slightly shakey but that doesnt matter. It was hard to supress my panic. I didnt want him to get mad and act as moon had, but i cant entertain this idea of me staying in the daycare forever.

Sun shook his head wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "This is our home Y/N." Oh shit.

My mind went blank and i searched for an answer. But inwardly knew anything i said would prove useless. This was a malfunction, and i had no idea what caused it but i doubt i could fix it with any reasoning.

"Where even are we?" Looking up at the 8ft tall robot who was dead set on keeping me here was suddenly a chilling experience knowing they werent completely their sunny self anymore.

"Our room. Cool isnt it? Theres everything you could ever need in here. A bed, plushies, a closet, and a baby dresser!" He said the last part as if talking about an actual baby with a hint of cuteness laced in his voice while pointing at the nightstand by the bed and holding his face in his other hand. "Its a nightstand sun." I corrected trying to deny to myself that i found that adorable and failing to fight the smile that crept up on my face. He rolled his eyes. "Same thing, we keep the kids drawings in there if you wanna look." His offer was casual, and he wasnt talking to me any different than he normally had, unlike moon. So i guessed i was safe by him for now.

Feeling more at ease, I took a better look around the room gazing at all the colorful wallpaper and cut out stars on strings hanging from the ceiling. I quickly noticed the door directly in front of the bed, but saw it shut, and nothing alluding to the other side. There were no windows, only plushies strewn about randomly and a few posters of sun and moon and the other animatronics.

Now was as good as a time as any to start planning an escape. Im sure it wouldn't be very hard considering they werent programed to kidnap people. But i had no idea where in the pizzaplex i was. I never even knew sun and moon had a room.

"How about we go back to the daycare for now? We can make arts and crafts and play tag and stuff." I asked looking over at him feigning innocence with a small smile. He paused for a bit with a clear look of hesitation that i pretended not to notice. "Okay, that sounds fun! But stay where i can reach you, okay friend." I nodded happily and tried my best not to speedwalk to the door. The excitement in my voice may have been overplayed but sun didn't seem to mind. "Oh, maybe we can play hide and go seek? I know its one of your favorite games." I was pretty sure every game was suns favorite game, but i wasnt gonna mention that part. Sun seemed to light up at the idea but quickly dimmed down. My smile fell slightly. Maybe moon had said something.

"S-some other time Y/N. For now we can finger paint, that sounds fun." He offered smiling bightly. While finger painting did sound fun, i doubted it would aid me in my escape. No, it definitely had to be hide and go seek. 

"Aw sun. Didnt know you were such a party pooper." I teased sticking my toung out. He gasped dramatically. "Hey! I am not a party pooper! I throw birthday parties all the time. And Ill have you know im the all time unbeaten champion at hide and go seek." He pointed his fingure at me and boasted with confidence. I rolled my eyes wearing a smirk.
"Yeah, yeah i understand, thats why you cant play me; youd lose your championship." I pushed his pointer fingure down with my own and shrugged my shoulders. "Bet youve never played against an adult before. Winning with the kids is easy, Id wipe the floor with you." I stated in a mater of fact tone. Sun looked downright offended.
"Im undefeatable." I raised an eyebrow. "Prove it."

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