Chapter 7

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Somewhere in

A knight came forth to a round table

???: The king has been sighted... We'll find him and re built what he made


Few weeks has passed

Selene mission is already finished, after hearing Bronya's situation, Arthur immediately called the girls to know their situation, After few hours of talking to each other, all the girls went to sleep and so he hang up the call himself. He sighs

Rin: Somethings bothering you, what is it?

Arthur: It's... about my friends

Rin: Oh, you're really worried, huh. You're truly a knight. Anyways, let's continue finding other heroic spirits

Arthur: Yes

The next day while exploring the city, Arthur and Shirou is currently exploring the place they once stayed in. The Emiya was still there which they went and knock on the door. Waited for few seconds no voice came out, knocking the door again waited no one is still there. Shirou took something out off his pocket and it was the key of the residence. Opening it they were welcomed with their own home. They explored inside and their own property was still there, Shirou's clothes, Taiga's, Sakura and as well Arthur and Artoria's clothes.

Arthur: These clothes... They're mine

Arthur took a white long sleeve formal shirt with a navy blue pants

Shirou: ... Saber's clothes too...

Shirou picked up the classic white long-sleeved formal shirt for women paired with a blue dress

Arthur: The even may have distorted time and space which creates chaotic event that lead to multi-versions and such to occur

Shirou: Indeed, let's continue one, yes?

Arthur: Yes, Shirou


 they continued exploring and bought groceries along the way. While walking they both Encounter a Lancer. It was Cu(proto)

Cu: There you are

Arthur: Lancer

Cu: I got carried away, sorry

Arthur: Same here

Cu: To think that we'll fight again... It's an honor

Arthur: Yeah

Cu: Next time... I'll kill you this time...

Arthur smirked

Arthur: I can't wait to kill you again!

Arthur's eye sparkled as the Lancer chuckled 

Shirou: 'Is he really like that kind of terrifying'

Both Shirou and Arthur walked out a few steps

Cu: Before you leave...

Arthur and Shirou stopped their steps

Cu: I encountered someone few days ago that they came from the Round Tables. It's a saber class

Arthur: Who's he?

Cu: I believe it's a guy on white armor, he said that to me

Arthur: I see... I shall find him

Cu: Okay... I'll try to kill you tonight, yeah?

Arthur: The honor is mine, Lancer

Cu: Well then... I'll see you soon


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