Just Wanna Follow My Heart

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The hospital room was darkened when I struggled to open my tired eyelids. I looked around uncertainly and saw Macau in front of me, lying in a chair in the corner, snoring softly. Smile showed up involuntarily on my face, as I felt glad the boy had safely survived the time when I was unconscious. I rose carefully into a sitting position, propping my head against the wall. The last thing I remembered was Pete asking me to turn around. I hesitated for a brief moment then, because of the emptiness that consumed me from the inside. My father just died and I wanted to follow him but I heard the desperation and fear in Pete's voice, so I slowly turned to look at his tired, sweat-covered face. We've both been through hell a moment ago, but Pete has never looked more beautiful in my eyes. He smiled at me in relief as our pupils met and I, too, began to raise the corners of my mouth. Then I felt a sudden pain in my chest and the sound of the shot filled my ears. For a brief moment I was terrified that someone had attacked Pete, but when I fell to the ground, feeling myself drift, the hum in my head pierced by my beloved's wild cry, and I was relieved to know that he was okay. Suddenly everything went completely dark, and maybe it was for the better. Karma decided to take me with her for all the evil I had done, I thought. After I woke up in hospital, I knew she had spared my pathetic life.

A few days had passed since I finally opened my eyes, and the whole time Pete was with me, though we couldn't have any deeper conversation through the strong drugs I was taking. Today, however, I felt much better.

The doors opened cautiously and a tall, slender man came in, with a paper bag in his hand. I knew that delicate, lovely face well, because I dreamed about him many times since he left my side. Pete quietly walked past the bed, laying the package on the table, and stroked Macau's head, making sure the boy hadn't woken up. Soon after, he reached the brown curtains. I saw his eyes narrow as the material he pushed back let the bright sun in, then he turned and our eyes immediately met. I felt the corners of my mouth flip up at the sight of him, and he replied with an equally sincere smile. Pete was looking at me gently, and I knew I stared at his bright face. I couldn't stop myself anymore.

- Are you up? - he asked happily.

I didn't realize how much I missed his normal, joyful voice. Our last meetings were filled with screams and pain, but this time his tone was warm, even inviting, and although I tried very hard, I could not stop hoping.

- For a while now - I replied, tilting my head slightly to the side. - And where have you been?

- I bought some food for Macau. In case he wakes up and gets hungry - Pete explained, touching the bag he had brought. - There's also yellow curry rice. - He walked around the table and sat on the bed next to my legs.

He was smiling gently at me, and I couldn't understand how, after all that had happened, we were able to have such a normal, simple conversation and not feel awkward. I thought for a second that I am dreaming right now. It just was too good to be true.

- Why? - I asked, not fully understanding why he was here. The Major Family had a colossal victory and he should celebrate with them. His stay only gave me hope, and I was afraid to believe that Pete could choose me. No one ever chosen me. - Why are you still here?

Pete became sad, eyes darted in all directions, as if he was trying to put into words his thoughts. He fought with himself and I waited breathlessly, ready for everything he may tell me.

- I can't run off to anywhere - he admitted honestly, looking me once again straight in the eyes.

What he said was so simple, yet that one sentence pierced my heart right through. We were both bound with each other by invisible shackles, and there was no point in escaping any longer. Pete was brave, he honestly admitted what he felt, and that was one of the things I loved him for. I carefully extended my hand, and he immediately grasped it in his. His smooth fingers seemed to burn mine, but the warmth only made me happy, not in pain. I ran my thumb over the soft skin and knew that was what it should be like. Until the end of my days, only that touch mattered, only that touch could make a difference but I didn't want for Pete to regret his decision. I knew that if he stayed, I would change for him, but such things take time, sometimes even a long period.

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