14. she deserves more!

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Y/n's POV:

My both sisters are working hard for me! I must make them proud.

I walked towards the closet and took the shoe book out and sat down on the floor opening the book.

I had a habit of writing dairy daily! From the day of my mom died i wrote to her.

It's been song since i wrote it.. basically i stopped writing after marrying taehyung.

I took a pen from cupboard.

Dear mom,

How are you doing there? I miss you so much! I know it's been so long since i talked with you. I'm sorry..but I'm happy now..

I told you about a guy wanting to marry me right? I told you he wanted a aggreement marriage right?

I know you got worried about me but mom He is not like my father! He is taking care of me so much that I'm feeling like he has spoiled me so much.

I have so many clothes no I'm not wearing Mrs choi's used clothes anymore.

I have a big walkin closet filled with so many desinger clothes and bags.

I have a loving mother and father now! They are taehyung's parents..they take care of me more than they did to taehyung..

My mother in law took me to shopping salon and a big restaurant.

Even though I didn't talked with my father in law that much he always looks at me fondly like the way i wished my father saw me...

Taehyung was cold at first but now he is the sweetest person i ever met..he gave me a job in his company..i used to work as his assistant.

Are you thinking why did i say used to? Because I'm not working for him anymore.

Thats what I thought to inform you... I didn't know you had sister because father never let me go to grandparents home...

Last week when we went on a trip i found out that i was sister of my idol Cho Sujin! Mom you remember me saying how i wished i can meet her in a real life but mom she is my big sister now!!

And i have another sister Sujin Unnie's step sister..

Two days back when i went to a production set i became lead actress of a upcoming drama of Sujin Unnie.

But that caused so many problems to Unnie.. there's a girl who I don't think i should tell you her name she is not worthy...she is taehyung's ex and now she is a famous actress.. because of her rudeness Sujin Unnie replaced her with me...

Yesterday Sujin Unnie got injured because of her...

I'm so nervous mom! Everything is happening because of me! Am i worth it? Can i do it? Can i prove that i can do it? I have to mom! I know if you are with me you would encourage me too... I'll prove my worth mom..

They just selected me for my face but I'll prove that I'm more than a pretty face..

I have to do it... I love you mom! I wish you were here for me.. I'll update you often now... bye mom

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