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The doors of the church had been slammed shut, locked to protect Joseph and (y/n) from the horrors of the outside. Blue fires flew through the sky and could be seen from the inside of the church.

(y/n) was confused; this had never happened before, and she wondered if it had anything to do with Joseph. She looked at him as he sat on the wooden bench, wondering if there was something here that could tell them why she was important.

Suddenly, something fell from the roof of the church. It hit the ground with a light thud, and Joseph looked up. He strode toward the item, and picked it up; it was a map...


"Maybe..." he started, looking me into the eyes. I nodded, motioning to him that he could open it; he looked down at the map and started to roll it out in his hands. He looked at it before he smiled.

Joseph started to walk toward me, stopping beside me and showing me the map. "John, Jacob, and Faith's cabin" he whispered, he pointed at the three marks on the map. "I need to go there,"

"You can't go now," I said carefully, looking at his eyes. "They're still out there," I pointed at the window and the blue flames. "You need to be alive to see this," I pointed at the map.

"You're right," he said while looking down at the map. He sighed; "I think I know why you're here," he blurted out.

"Why?" my voice cracked, and Joseph sighed again. He put down the map and walked in front of me. He stared into my eyes.

"You're here to guide me, and help me finish all of these tasks. You are here to make sure that I do the right choices, and choose the right things," he smiled slightly as he spoke. "But maybe God put you here for another reason," he looked down and grabbed my hand. "Maybe we have a purpose in my other life, and this is a sign telling me to look for you," he trailed off, looking into my eyes again.

"I-" I looked down at our hands; "I hope so," I smiled at him. He slowly started to lean in; our lips were almost touching when something crashed into the window, breaking us apart.

"What the-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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