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"Help me with this time and I'll never ask you anything" Abhimanyu begged over the phone

"Nope! It's totally your problem not mine" saying this she hang up the call.

It's been six months that she dropped out of the university in Korea and took an admission in Kolkata. Her father was doing well, taking medicine on time cause he feared his daughter way too much.

Her phone vibrates again, she hang up the call without looking at the I'd and tried to concentrate on the class.

"Hey! Debadrita here the notes you missed in our last class" a girl approached Debadrita with a smile.

"Ahh thanks Riya" Debadrita smiled..

Debadrita met Riya on her first day of college. She was the one who came to debadrita lending her notes as she admitted in the middle of the semester. Riya was that type of person who doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone, the savage and swag one but the most sweetest person ever.

"Should we go to the new cafe which opened yesterday?" Scrolling down her phone Riya asked. "Raunak said that place is cozy also they have delicious menu" Riya raised her eyebrows"what do you think?" "Okay then"


"Believe me they have the best cup cake here" sliding his glasses on his nose he said.
"How do you know, Raunak?" Asked Debadrita sipping her water bottle.

Raunak Sen, the Playboy of the uni they say. But never been in a relationship, he just likes to flirt with everyone, which contains the rumour spread he is a "Playboy".

"Here's your order" a waitress put their order on the table "thanks beautiful" Raunak wink at the waitress making the girl shy, and both girl shake their head.

"What?" Raunak asked as he saw the girls "nothing. Just dig in" Riya muttered.

Riya and Raunak are friends since highschool. Riya who has feelings for Raunak would not admit, no matter how many times Debadrita asked her. She always says "we are just friends nothing else" the typical answer.

Debadrita's phone rang again, she looked at the I'd and excuse herself "guys lemme take this call"

"I told you na I'll not help you"
"Just this time. Please! I'm begging you" a deep desparate voice came over the phone.
"If you fear of her this much why in the hell you did that?"

Abhimanyu, who fought with with his girlfriend not girlfriend anymore, fiancé would be the best to address her, one week ago for a silly reason, is now begging for his life. The reason was really silly 'whose name would be the first on the wedding card'. He could have stop arguing but no he has to be the dominant one. And for that he was begging Debadrita to ask her to talk with him. She hasn't talk with him from that night.

"I'll treat you anything you'll ask but help me!"

"She will cut off the marriage I'm sure" the fear was visible in his voice.

Debadrita sighed before saying "okay just this time, just because you will treat me I'm doing this"

"Okay thanks, thanks, puchki. you are the best!"

"Yea yeah whatever. I'm hanging up. Talk to you later"


"Did you take your medicine?" Checking the medicine box, Debadrita asked his father who was seated on the couch of the living room.

"Yes, mom" her dad said, looking at her daughter's seriousness. She is always serious when it's come to her father's health, her father started to think how his little daughter became this big, this mature.

"Your pishi called today" her mom came from the kitchen.

"She was saying...." Debadrita's mom paused, looking at her husband then started to talk again "she was saying, she knows someone and if you are ready-" "maa don't be a typical parent. You know I don't have interest in those things right now" saying this she left to her room.

Her parents looked at each other "what do we do?" "Can't he just come and do it himself?" Shaking his head, her father too went to their room.


Sitting on her balcony she looked at her phone again hoping to get a massage or a call?

She doesn't want to be the first person to call or text to him, not after the fight they had months ago.

As their time zones changed it was difficult to communicate, but they tried to work with it as it was just 3:30 hours apart, but still time is time right? They tried not to get angry, not to get impatience but still they fought.

"Look why do you think that you are the one who is having problems?"

"I'm also here trying, I'm also tired it's not just you, I'm also a human" and then after hearing these she cut the call, powered off the phone.

She remembered the things which he had said that night. She haven't called him nor text. Same goes with him too.

"Ahh! Never mind. It's his loss" flipping her phone she went to her bed.

Happy birthday gguk!

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