15 : IT'S A DATE

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"what on earth are you crying for y/n?! " koko immedietly rushed to hug her sister as she entered their house sobbing non stop. She buried her face on her brothers chest

Koko and inui were bonding at home when the lady barged in. inui was shocked by the sight of his friend crying like that, he was speechless.

"hey y/n look at me, Im sorry you're sad "koko uttered trying to have a look at her face but when she looked up to him koko laughed making the lady cry non stop

"fuck y/n you look like shit!"

"you're not helping koko," inui scolded the man but what can he do? Hes just spitting facts

Koko then rubbed her back to calm her down "shhh.If you're sad you shouldn't be Because sad spelled backwards is das. And das not good"

"I think you should stop hanging out with the pink haired guy" inui suggested

koko just shrugged and guided his sister to rest on their couch

"who hurt you y/n? ill beat the shit out off that man " inui gave her a glass of water from the the table

y/n gladly accepted it and drank before speaking,

"no one. I dont know why but I feel so dumb for crying.. rindou was so close to me and my heart is beating really fast and I cant breathe properly and then my mind is saying nonsense its too much.. that's why I cried.."

"you dummy I thought something serious happened!" koko deadpanned and massaged his forehead in disbelief

"are you in your monthly bleeding something?" inui asked her and she nods.

"I hate rindou haitani!"

"you're in denial y/n"

"you're in denial y/n"

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I am currently having the time with myself at my room thinking about the shit I had done earlier. Embarrassing as fuck.

I was at my toughest demeanor but with him? I folded like a paper. I know im in denial about my feelings and im not proud of it. I just cant feel this way again. The last time I expressed myself, the love I gave away was abused and used against me. I dont wanna see things go down like that again

Ive suffered enough because of my heart thats why I wanna be careful this time

But am I being careful or im just scared?

"they say love is an unwanted visitor "there he is standing at my door


"is that why you didnt knock? "I asked sarcastically and threw the first thing that caught by my hand, a pillow.

"woah! chill wifey! What happened to hi and hello? " his soft chuckle made me smile somehow. All of the worries and stress I had earlier was swept away and vanished in thin air

"if you are here to make fun of what happened earlier, I'll kill you " I warned him and pointed my index and middle finger at him

"no, because I'm here to ask you out"

"hah?! Out? As in out out? "

"yes like in a friendly date? If you don't want to it's okay I don't wanna force ya" he explained while his hands were on his back

He looks sincere.. I could go to a friendly date I guess

"this better be fun or else.." I glared at him as I stood up casually as if I was not hating him earlier

"or else what? And you're not going to change your outfit?"

"or else I'll bury you six feet underground , alive" I checked myself on the mirror, gorgeous as always I smiled at myself and put on my iconic red lipstick before facing him again

"as if you can, let's go?" he offered his hand infront of me but his face is looking sus as hell

"you do know that your smile is awkward don't you?" I commented as I held his hand. This is the first time I we held hands for I know

"hehe im really nervous you might turn me down" he scratched his nape using his another hand. I let out a small chuckle when I noticed his hand were cold

"acting all tough but deeply nervous around me huh?" I teased him. He faked a coughed and fixed his stance again and forced me to walk faster

He opened the cars door for me and after that he got in the drivers seat.

His car smells like fresh lavender with mix of his scent, soft but manly. I love it. I checked my wrist watch and it was already 8 pm and the city lights blows the night. He is a careful driver a complete opposite of me who drives recklessly.

"you're being quiet"

"thank you for bringing it up RinRin" I sarcastically stated again as I played with my hands

"Look who's nervous now "

"who wouldn't be when you're fucking staring at me like goddamn you're driving!"

"okay okay shit im sorry for making you uncomfortable, make sure you tell me everytime "

"I will pluck your eyes out if you do that again I swear!" I declared but he just maked face

"I will pluck your eyes out if you do that again I swear!" I declared but he just maked face

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𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 | R. Haitani  ✓Where stories live. Discover now