Happy Birthday Eddie!

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Y/n Pov:

We were walking through the forest quietly and calm together, panting a bit suddenly a branch cracked and Ben shrieked which made everyone else yell including me "Sorry sorry stepped on a twig" Ben gave a sheepish smile "Come on man" Yaz said and everyone talked at once the only person I could really hear was Sammy "Gave me a heart attack" is all she said "I should step on you" Kenji said "Hey give him some slack" I said to Kenji then looked at Ben and smiled "Its okay Ben, were all a little on edge" Darius said understandingly "And lost" Yazmina said "Ya we've been out here for a while now, Darius we sure were still heading towards the park?" Sammy asked "Well we would be sure if we still had my phone because it has a GPS, a compass app, and it's also a phone!" Brooklyn said walking over to Sammy "Not the phone situation again" I growled through my teeth "Sammy didn't steal your phone, no one stole your phone, can we just forget about the phone" Yazmina said pushing Brooklyn away. I looked at Darius and pulled him aside but then I heard Ben speak up "You guys, you guys, you guys, could you all yell a little quieter please" I smiled a little at how cute that attempt was until Kenji spoke up "My Fellow campers! Chill....what we need here is someone who can make the hard calls on what to do next" Kenji said walking over to me and Darius "Oh great...." I mumble, Darius laughed a little at me "Since I'm obviously leadership material" Kenji bumped between me and Darius "I'll do this and my first degree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Y/n and Darius" Kenji wrapped his arms around me and Darius pulling us close. Me and Darius blinked a few times "Huh?" Darius let out, Kenji then pulled us away a bit "You got us out of camp alive and you can turn into a dinosaur plus I can blame you two if anyone gets eaten, leadership" Kenji whispered to us, I rolled my eyes at him as he leaned away "So which way you two?" Me and Darius looked at each other when we looked back everyone was staring, Darius turned away "Please your just trying to cover the fact that your lost to mister V.I.P" Brooklyn says, I place my hand on Darius's shoulder "None of us know where we are" Brooklyn state then me and Darius looked forward "I know where we are!" Darius yelled running forward and I ran after him. I recognized the area as well "Were near the Carnosaurus paddock!" I yell happily "Thought this place looked familiar" Darius said then continued running we all ran after him "The fence should be right- the broken down fence" Darius stared "Oh no. The Indominous Rex and Toro...are both free.....this is not good" Ben said "No its not-" I cut Darius off who happened to say the same thing as me "How do you know about Toro?" I stared at Darius and gave a small laugh "Kenji told us the day it happened" Yazmina stated, I crossed my arms and looked at Kenji "What else did you tell them?" I asked a bit defensively not realizing everyone was staring "Don't worry Dino, I haven't told them yet" Kenji said with a laugh ruffling my hair "What does he mean?" Ben asked walking over to me "Don't worry about it" I stated with a laugh then grabbed his hand due to hearing a noise behind him, I yanked him behind me when I was suddenly tackled by a dinosaur making the campers yell. When I opened my eyes I saw an ankylosaurus "Awwww hey little one" I say sitting up smiling, Ben kneeled over with a wide smile "Bumpy!" he said as she nuzzled him "Are you sure that's her?" Brooklynn asked tilting her head "Positive see the bump on her head" He says "It mean she's A Semitric, which doctor WU says its a bad thing but there's nothing wrong with being different" I smiled and placed a hand on Ben's shoulder "Your right" I smiled at bumpy "Alright say goodbye we have to go" Kenji said as he began to walk away "Wait we can't just leave her" I say holding bumpy close "Sure we can and we will now lets go" he doesn't even look back and soon the others begin to follow, I look at ben then at bumpy "Sorry Bumpy" I stood up "lets go ben" I say before beginning to walk with Ben beside me.

After a while I made my way up front and kept everyone going till we all noticed the rustling bushes behind us, Ben came out of the bushes leading bumpy. When he saw we were looking he quickly shoved Bumpy in the bush "He-hey guys" He stuttered, Darius sighed and crossed his arms before speaking "Ben we know your hiding bumpy in that bush" Ben waved his hands "No no I'm not" Before we could say anything else Bumpy jumped out of the bush and ran around "Ben we told you to leave her!" Kenji said rudely "But she can keep up!" Ben said sternly as bumpy ran around "Ben she can't-" Yazmina said stepping forward "then-then we'll put her in the van" He stated making us all puzzled "What van?" Darius asked then Ben pointed slightly to the side "That one" I grinned "That's a good idea!" I walked over and grabbed bumpy with ben, we led her over to the back of the Van then lifted her inside. Once we were all inside we sat for a second "Oh look a tablet" Brooklyn said before letting out a frustrated sigh "No internet connection" Suddenly bumpy hopped out of the van, she began making noises and walking her tail then we heard the Indominous Rex's roar "Get Bumpy" I say as me and Ben hopped out and picked bumpy up, Darius hopped out and helped us. We shoved her in the Van and closed the doors "Who can drive?" Darius asks, Kenji hops over the seat and stares before starting the vehicle. He first went backwards before speeding forward the Indominous was chasing us making everyone scream. We lost the Indominous after we went down hill before sliding into a tree "well at least we lost the Indominous" Brooklyn said out of breathe "I don't know" Yazmina said out of breathe "How about the genetics lab?" Ben said making us look forward to see the lab then we looked at Ben "its a gift" he smiled making me laugh. We got out of the Van I was last and helped out by Brooklyn before we headed to the lab. We walked into the lab to see it dark and abandoned, we saw a cake before a guy popped out a shined light on us "You're not dinosaurs....You're not dinosaurs" He breathed as he rubbed his head and mumbled "Worst birthday ever" We waited a few minutes as we ate some of his cake then explained everything that happened to us before he explained everything that had happened "Wu got greedy instead of dinosaurs he built monsters" Eddie referenced the eggs then me making the other campers look at me suspiciously "She isn't a monster" Darius says pulling me beside him. Eddie laughed at us as he walked pass me and the other campers "They didn't tell us anything or at least me, they-they all left me behind" he says then suddenly we heard a sound down the hall "You closed the door right?" We all looked at Kenji who shrugged, suddenly Eddie raced past us towards the van, Yazmina chased after him with all of us to follow.

Yazmina almost made it to Eddie when bumpy tripped her, when we raced to her aid and looked up at Eddie he started the car only for it to be knocked around by the indominous. He tried to escape only to meet death making us all scream, we all ran away into a fence "Why! The parks only intact fence" Kenji yells hitting the fence, the indominous was heard catching up so we quickly hid behind the giant storage compartments. The Indominous stomped around as we stayed quiet while it came closer to them, Darius slipped over across two of the compartments then waved us over as we stared at him worried. 

Brooklynn, Kenji, and Ben rushed over to him as me, yazmina, and Sammy stayed back. When Sammy began to cross, Sammy fell alerting the indominous to which made us all scatter in the area. We all started running away from the Indominous, she knocked over some of the compartments, some blocked the indominous from getting us as others almost crushed Brooklynn but I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way just in time, through in the commotion Brooklynn dropped the tablet under a leaning compartment in front of the indominous. Brooklynn reached under it and grabbed the tablet right before the indominous slammed the compartments aside and charged at us as we yelled and ran. Sammy ran over and grabbed us pulling us into a narrow area of the compartments as the Indominous followed, only inches from us as she snapped her jaws at us. Clanking on a nearby compartment caught the Indominous's attention as she charged towards Darius, who caused the racket giving us a way out as we ran towards the van. We climbed in as Yazmina started the car "Wait! Where's Darius?" she asked turning to look at us as we looked at Darius who was running towards us, I held my hand out for him before he grabbed it and pulled him in while Brooklynn and Sammy closed the doors. Yazmina pressed on the gas and drove quickly away as me and Darius fell into our seats sighing relieved as the indominous was becoming more distant from us, our worried breathes soon became playful laughs of relief as Kenji cheered in victory.

"Kids!? Come on! Pick up!" Roxie's voice spoke out over the radio "There's something going on, just stay at camp. We're heading to you." she says before I pick up the radio and spoke "No we're heading to you!" Roxie stayed silent before speaking again "Y/n! Wait why are you-" Darius cut her off as I smiled at him "We're all fine but we had to leave camp!" "What?" came both their voices as I shook my head "Long story" I said as Yazmina chimed in "Short story a dinosaur ate camp" "Shorter story epic leader Kenji, somehow got everyone out safely" Kenji praised as Ben spoke up petting Bumpy as I pet her head "And then we found a van and Bumpy!" He says as Bumpy made a few noises to make her presence known "We're cutting through the jungle and heading to the main park" I said into the radio as I leaned against Sammy "Should be there soon!" Darius says through the radio then he puts it next to him and smiles at everyone "We're getting out of here!" Brooklynn says and we all started cheering in joy. Kenji relaxed as he looked over his shoulder at Darius "Good job, not getting me eaten bro" he says as Darius smiled "Thanks...brah" he says making me crack open laughing as Kenji shook his head "Oh no, you-you made that sound weird. No more bro talk for you" he says to Darius, who just smiled in return. I looked between them as Brooklynn leaned across and placed her hand on mine "Hey can we talk about what that guy said back in the lab?" she asked as I stared at her "Right now?" I asked as Brooklynn held her hand out to Sammy for a high five. I stopped leaning on Sammy as she laughed a bit and high-fived Brooklynn "Yeah unless you wanna wait" Brooklynn says as Sammy raised her hands "We did it camp family and not a moment to-" she cut herself off as we rocked around a bit from hitting a bunch of rocks. 

A clank was heard on the floor after Darius and Brooklynn saw Brooklynn's phone fall out of Sammy's pocket. The vehicle was silent for a few seconds "My phone.... I knew it!" Brooklyn yelled as she stared at Sammy, we all looked at Sammy as she stared back at us looking frightened. Her eyes traveled to me and Yazmina as she took a sharp breath "Sammy?" Yazmina asked before the car drifted and crashed into a rocky hill....

A/n: Hey guys sorry for the late chapter. I may have mixed up the scenes a bit, sorry if I did. I have been cramped with things in my personal life and I've had writers block for the longest time. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll talk to everyone in the next chapter! P.s I wrote half of this at 5 am so I'm editing it a bunch

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