4. What's In That Tea?

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"Our Stephen fell. He used the Darkhold. He believed he was strong enough to resist its power. And he was. At first." you fall silent, taking a deep breath before words flow from your mouth again. Stephen and America's eyes never leave your form. You pour the hot tea into cups and sit down before your guests. Mordo said only a couple of words and left for a quick meeting. Now you had a chance to tell them the whole truth about your universe.

"One time he came back acting strangely, I immediately felt that something was wrong. Maybe he got into a fight with Peggy again, I thought. They never really liked each other, but he always managed to hold himself from snarky comments around her." You let out a humorless laugh. "He was a bit annoyed, clutched a book to his chest. I asked him what was wrong, but he just waved his hand. The whole two days he didn't leave his chamber, and I was beginning to get worried, but you know, when Stephen wants something, Stephen gets it, no matter the cost." You play with the loose ends of your belt, trying to distract yourself from the fiery look in Stephen's eyes.

"He used the Darkhold?" Strange asks, getting a bit impatient by your story, although he had to admit, you had the storytelling skills.

"Yes. It was the first time he used it. Two days later he left his room, acted like nothing special happened but told me the truth anyway. He was always honest with me, a trait I respected the most. Of course, I was the last one to learn the truth, the Illuminati knew about it all along." you sign. "He said that the book didn't affect him in any way, but his fingertips had that black color, as if he had smeared soot on them. After his first encounter with the Darkhold, he ordered Mordo to lock the book in the back chamber and put on some protection spells. The decision was highly respected by the Illuminati, although the look on Charles's face said that he knows more than we do." You take a sip of the hot tea and admire the set of cups that you got as a gift.

"You know, he bought those for me when we were on vacation. Our first trip to Europe together, lasted 3 days, but the duty of the Earth's best protector doesn't wait till you get back from your trip. Stephen was normal again, the usual level of arrogance and teasing always present. But then we got a call from Reed. He said that there is a great danger, and we need to get back to New York, and try to find the best solution on how to prevent the destruction of the world." your smile falls as you say the next word, "Thanos."

America looks at you confused, but Strange's eyes harden at the mention of the titan.
"Did he snap?" he asks, genuinely interested in how things went down the hill in your universe.

"No." Although in the farthest corner of your heart, you wish he did snap. Maybe then your Strange would be still here with you. "He didn't get all the stones. Stephen had found a solution before the worst happened. But it already did happen, right before the final battle." You take another big gulp of the tea, soothing your throat from all the talking, and continue.
"After learning of Thanos' invasion of Earth, Strange. Uh. He used the Darkhold to search through the multiverse for a possible solution. He found one way to 'travel the multiverse' but that way had a cost. Furthermore, he started dreamwalking. Lighting up hundreds of candles in the Sanctum, performing the difficult spell, he wanted me to watch him. To be near with him. He said that he felt safe when he felt my presence. At first dreamwalking went great, he possessed a body of a Strange in another universe, he searched for a solution and then came back. More and more nights I spent looking at his ritual, but each time he failed to find a solution, and each time he came back into his body more frustrated. He barely talked with Mordo, or anyone else, just looked at me with somewhat dead eyes and went to sleep. However, one problem is not a problem. There was a conflict, which was caused by dreamwalking, and this triggered an incursion between two realities, destroying one of them. As you can see, not ours."

Stephen let out a breath he was holding while you talked. "How did you get the Darkhold? Did the other, other me found a solution in it? How did you beat Thanos?"

"Wanda gave it to us. She said she was happy with her life, although her husband died, she found happiness in being a mother." you smile. "A real sweetheart, we used to be somewhat of friends, but when her boys grew up a bit, she found less time to hang out with us."

Stephen raised an eyebrow at the last part, waiting for your explanation.

"Yeah, we, well me and Stephen, used to maintain contacts with the most powerful magic users on Earth and Wanda was one of them. She gave the book to us, Stephen specifically, and asked to hide it, to lock it and never let it see the sunlight. But desperate times call for desperate solutions. During the final battle, we used the Book of Vishanti, however. Stephen never found a solution in the Darkhold, only suffering and despair."

"So you have the Book of Vishanti here?" Stephen asks expectantly, leaning in his chair towards you.

"Well, not exactly here HERE, but I know-"

"You know what y/n?" Mordo asks loudly, emerging from the shadows of the doorway, finally interrupting your tale.

"I know that it's time for more tea. I may leave you with the Master for a few moments." you put your head down, bowing to Mordo. Fucking traditions. On your way to the kitchen, someone grabs your hand, and you almost drop the cups as strong hands grip your shoulders. It's Strange.

"I have no clue about half the things you just told us, but please, y/n, you have to help us. You have to help me save that girl, please" he's so close to you that you can hear his erratic breathing. Your heart beats loudly in your ears.

"I'm trying to help you, but my hands are a bit tied here. He doesn't trust you, none of them do." you whisper-shout, trying not to give in into his intoxicating smell.

"Wanda might begin dreamwalking, y/n, if she comes here, we're all doomed, I need the book now" he pleads, searching for a solution in your eyes.

"I'll help you, but I don't know his plan. I think he wants you to meet the Illuminati, and they will decide what to do with you. Every moment you spend here, we are in danger of incursion. You're not supposed to be here. And every moment you spend talking to me, Mordo gets more suspicious." you begin to worry about his and your own heads, but he touches your cheek. You're at a loss for words, and this closeness drives you over the edge. Giving into your impulses, you grab Stephen by the collar of his robes and kiss him. His lips taste the same, only now the sharp beard is scratching your chin. Weirdly, he doesn't stop you, only deepens the kiss by licking your lower lip, and you gladly accept his tongue into your mouth. After a moment, he pulls away and looks at you with a face that you can't understand.

Still breathing pretty heavily, you whisper, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. God, it was so inappropriate. Fuck, I'm an idiot." with teary eyes, you turn to go away, but his words make you stop in your tracks.

"There's nothing wrong with love, y/n." he sighs. The day has been extremely exhausting, and somehow that kiss woke him up from his slumber and gave a sparkle of hope.

"Stephen Strange?" Mordo's voice calls out from another room.

"Shit, I have to go." Stephen sighs and turns on his heel, Cloak of Levitation floating on his shoulders funnily. "I told him I have to use the bathroom" he smiles at you.

A tear falls down your cheek and a wet spot appears on your chest. "I'll try to do everything I can to save you. I can't let another Stephen die." you try to smile back, but your lip only quivers.

"I knew I could trust you" his words echo in your head as he leaves the kitchen and comes back to Mordo and America.

You quickly boil more tea and dry your face with the sleeve of the robes. But what you see when you return to the main room makes the tray and cups fall down loudly. Fragments of the cups that you loved the most, the cups that Stephen gifted to you, were broken. Just like your trust for the man standing before you.

"I'm sorry y/n, but I had to do it. They want to meet him. Then we'll decide their fate." Mordo says, looking at you. But your eyes are on the girl laying in a weird position in the chair and Strange sprawled on the floor.

"Oh lord..." you murmur, already knowing that things are going down the hill from now on.

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now